
Service Comment Posting & Moderation?

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Service Comment Posting & Moderation?

Is there an option to have your service comments put on hold until you moderate them and decide wither to accept them or not? I am wanting to know, not because I plan on doing this for my services, but because I just tried to leave a comment on a service there and after clicking submit, the page refreshed, but no comment was made to it. I typed another comment on that service and clicked submit, but same again, the comment was not made.

Im thinking it is either ones of these things..

  1. There is a comment moderation queue option I didn't know about.
  2. There is an error with the service commenting system.
  3. There is a problem with my browser.

One more thing that is making me think that it must be Number 1 is that I then tried to comment on a different service and it worked so surely if it was a comment system or browser problem it would happen on all the service pages.


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I have not seen any moderation queue? Maybe will number 3.

- Sunil Bishnoi

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Ill go ahead and lock this thread now and move it to the Resolved / Archived Issues forum.

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