
Why is this service of mine still listed?

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Why is this service of mine still listed?

I just found a service on the marketplace which is one I must have created a good while ago and then removed as it is not on my profile or in my Manage Services page, but it is still live on the marketplace. Here is the service: Why is this service of mine still listed? Why is this?


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I couldn't find on your profile either :/

I don't know what causes this.

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Yeah, it is weird lol. Why is this service of mine still listed?

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Yeah, it is weird lol. Why is this service of mine still listed?

More than anything, I was wondering if any of my deleted services are still showing. Why is this service of mine still listed?

I didn't keep links to those services. Would they show up in a search for my username? I will try out that idea.

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Yeah, good question, wondering now if any of my other old services are still showing too. Why is this service of mine still listed?
I would say to try find some of them if they are indeed still around in the marketplace, would be to yeah, search your Username, and also search the title of the services to the best you can remember, also any Tags, etc.. that are about what the service were about. Why is this service of mine still listed?

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Hey Sean,

Bids work as Services so they can be accessed directly if they still exist even though they will not show up as one of your Services.


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It looks like the service is a bid. Bid's can only be accessed through their link. No one can order it if no one has the link. You could go back to the WTB you made the bid on a delete it from there.

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