
Code Clerks Redirect After service Creation! (Wrong)

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Code Clerks Redirect After service Creation! (Wrong)

After you create a Gig, wither it be a Service, WTB or WTT, once you publish / submit the service you are taking to your new gig page with a pop up asking you if you want to share it. Code Clerks Redirect After service Creation! (Wrong)

On Code Clerks, this doesn't happen, I just created a WTT and also edited one of my WTB gigs, both times when I clicked submit, I was taking to another member's service instead of being taking to my gig page. When it is a new gig created, when you first visit it from the categories, it then gives you the pop up as it should have done instead of re-directing to a different service. Code Clerks Redirect After service Creation! (Wrong)

Anyone else getting this problem?

@Staff : Just thought I would let youse know as I just noticed it myself, not sure if youse already know about it. Code Clerks Redirect After service Creation! (Wrong)


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Thanks for saying something about it. I'm not sure if this is affecting everyone. But if it is, good to know now.

I don't list on Code Clerks, but for those who do, I'm sure this will be a big deal. And, I'm sure it will be fixed soon.

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Ah, that is no good and should be fixed ASAP.

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