
Shouldn't the level x level be automated also?

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Shouldn't the level x level be automated also?

There is no suggestion thread that I am aware of so I'll post this here.
What I was thinking the level x user mark is the highest level on Seocheckout but couldn't this be automated as well for good sellers. Yes I do agree with handing them out rarely, but take user cyberxcrime as an example who has made an estimated $24,238+ though Seocheckout he has made a lot of sales and a lot of cash and don't forget provided a service that has drawn attention to buyers to buy that much. Seocheckout could total a users revenue to one sum and if it hits over ?+ automated give them level x level.

(If you're thinking how I know that sum I made a very fast script)


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If it were automated, it would lose value since Level X is a distinguished level that is hand picked.

Automation means people game the system == reduced value.

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But if your revenue has to be 10,000 for example if they sent the money from a different account they loose 20% what is quite a lot of money I couldn't see many people wanting to pay that much for a level x status for there service providing account that is what makes me think it will work.

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I've seen sellers on here who have made $30,000 but when you look at their profile they have 4 infractions for TOS violations, 10 tickets from buyers for low quality work and 6 deleted FAQ questions because they were copy/pasted from other sites. Does that person deserve to be ranked any higher than 3? Absolutely not. That is why X is manual.

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