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i want to ask...

hi All, i want to buy service in online marketing. but i message servicer nothing respon. and if i have ordered his service and not respon from servicer. what my money will be lost?

thank you.


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If he doesn't respond, you can cancel and get your money back. Your money isn't sent to the seller until they complete the job.

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If you have already ordered the service and he does not deliver then you can cancel. However, if you have only messaged him and he didn't respond back but you didn't order the service yet, then use caution when ordering a package from that person. Most active sellers will respond to their messages.

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thangkyu for you aswer.

i have already ordered the servis and until now, he isn't complete my order.
if i want to cancel. how to do that?
thank you

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If you have already ordered the service and he does not deliver then you can cancel. However, if you have only messaged him and he didn't respond back but you didn't order the service yet, then use caution when ordering a package from that person. Most active sellers will respond to their messages.

I agree that you need to try and contact them first to see what is going on. IF they do not respond back within a fair time then cancel the order.

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haloo,, i have canceled my order 2 days ago. but my money is not come back. do I have to wait to ask for my money back?

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