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My Suggestions!

Im not sure if im allowed to create a new topic in this forum as it is called Announcements, but i thought it was the best forum available here for this subject & i saw that the "Post New Thread" button was visible. I was just thinking about a couple of way to help make Seocheckout even more quality than it is already & came up with a few things. These suggestions are just little things that most people may not even really notice that need added or would be better if added, but i think, people will think its good additions (well i do anyways, lol) My Suggestions!

Here they are...

Service Reviews
- Here on the forum we have a "Service Reviews" area for people to write a review on a service they recieved in order to let other know about it & buy it. No one seems to do it though, so i think it needs a bit more promting. What i think would help is, when a member reviews a gig, they are asked to share it on twitter, facebook, etc.. but i think there should also be a link/button saying something like "Give This Gig A Review On Our Forum" or something similar. My Suggestions!

More Followers
In the same place as i said there could be a Service Review Link, i think there should also be a "Follow" button as at the point after positivly reviewing a gig, its very likey you will follow that person to. Currently to follow someone after reviewing their gig, you have to go to their profile page, that extra step, i think, lowers the amount of follows that seller could get. My Suggestions!

Gig Tags
I think the tags for the gigs should be under the gig image, rather than over the top of it, doesnt really effect anything, but i think it will be better. My Suggestions!

FAQ Links In Emails
When someone responds to a Question asked in the FAQ, in the notifacation email, you have to copy the link, then paste it into the browsers, rather than on all other notifacation emails such as forum replies, order updates, etc.. you can just click the link within the email. My Suggestions!

Sponsered Tweets
I think it would be good to be able to offer coupons, discounts & sales on sponsered tweet gigs just like able to in other service gigs My Suggestions!

Own Service Links In Forum Signature
It think members should be allowed to add links to their own gigs, or indeed other peoples gigs, if they want, in their forum signature here. It will help people get more sale, will also get the forum a bit more active as people will want to post a bit here to show their links in their sigs. It should only be link to Seocheckout pages that are allowed though, No linking to outside website, this way people wont be allowed to post in order to advertise their website, but can post to advertise theirs gigs. My Suggestions!

Once again, sorry if i posted this thread in the wrong place, but i not, then..
What does anyone else think of my feedback?
My Suggestions!


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Im not sure if im allowed to create a new topic in this forum as it is called Announcements, but i thought it was the best forum available here for this subject & i saw that the "Post New Thread" button was visible. I was just thinking about a couple of way to help make Seocheckout even more quality than it is already & came up with a few things. These suggestions are just little things that most people may not even really notice that need added or would be better if added, but i think, people will think its good additions (well i do anyways, lol) My Suggestions!

Here they are...

Service Reviews
- Here on the forum we have a "Service Reviews" area for people to write a review on a service they recieved in order to let other know about it & buy it. No one seems to do it though, so i think it needs a bit more promting. What i think would help is, when a member reviews a gig, they are asked to share it on twitter, facebook, etc.. but i think there should also be a link/button saying something like "Give This Gig A Review On Our Forum" or something similar. My Suggestions!

More Followers
In the same place as i said there could be a Service Review Link, i think there should also be a "Follow" button as at the point after positivly reviewing a gig, its very likey you will follow that person to. Currently to follow someone after reviewing their gig, you have to go to their profile page, that extra step, i think, lowers the amount of follows that seller could get. My Suggestions!

Gig Tags
I think the tags for the gigs should be under the gig image, rather than over the top of it, doesnt really effect anything, but i think it will be better. My Suggestions!

FAQ Links In Emails
When someone responds to a Question asked in the FAQ, in the notifacation email, you have to copy the link, then paste it into the browsers, rather than on all other notifacation emails such as forum replies, order updates, etc.. you can just click the link within the email. My Suggestions!

Sponsered Tweets
I think it would be good to be able to offer coupons, discounts & sales on sponsered tweet gigs just like able to in other service gigs My Suggestions!

Own Service Links In Forum Signature
It think members should be allowed to add links to their own gigs, or indeed other peoples gigs, if they want, in their forum signature here. It will help people get more sale, will also get the forum a bit more active as people will want to post a bit here to show their links in their sigs. It should only be link to Seocheckout pages that are allowed though, No linking to outside website, this way people wont be allowed to post in order to advertise their website, but can post to advertise theirs gigs. My Suggestions!

Once again, sorry if i posted this thread in the wrong place, but i not, then..
What does anyone else think of my feedback?
My Suggestions!

I added these to the "Suggestion Ladder" on CommunityClerks - Thanks!!!

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Sounds like a great set of suggestions. Have you sent these to staff?

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why is the suggestion ladder offsite? I mean it's real nice you own multiple domains all along the same unique idea and all but... hey guys... wtf?

I think there are plenty enough users here to warrant a site suggestion board in the forums HERE where users won't be bumped from site to site or wonder where in the world they should make a site suggestion - the community clerks suggestion ladder doesn't even support voting - where as this forum does.

Every time someone does make a suggestion, robert asks if they have sent these to staff or jordan says something about a help desk and there aint no readily visible links for either. You either want suggestions you can address or you want to just confuse people (thus telling them "we dont care") - You are confusing people!

You two should have this site nailed down like a fine tuned Swiss watch - NOT making people feel like they are doing business in a Rube Goldberg machine.

When people do make a suggestion or ask a question somewhere they just end up with another question; I am sure these other sites of yours are really great and all but I aint interested in chasing a$$ around or getting ignored when I do make a suggestion somehwhere, whether you are ignoring it or not seeing it, etc etc.

I'd rather have somewhere local to go where someone can just reply - Great Idea, we'll look into it or Your a dumba$$ Seogawd, aint no way that's gonna happen - not answer my question or suggestion with a "did you contact....???"

Get a board up RIGHT HERE that says SITE SUGGESTIONS and mean it! Show your supporting the people that are Supporting YOU!

That's all I got to say about that. What say you?

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You are confusing exJordanary with me. He has his own amazing site -

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You are confusing exJordanary with me. He has his own amazing site -

I am confusing who? with who?

Jordan - you said u thought ud never see me back when I cam back.... why would you say that?

I know who you are - you know who I am - I would hope!!!

what do you know about me, how did we meet and where did we work together? from 4years ago up until 1 year ago?

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im going to get lunch while u think about it - be bak ltr

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allrighty, are you jordan the owner of webmaster talk forums (otherwise known as WTF)?

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nevermind brother

I know who you are, you probably blocked me out of your mind - I thought when you recognized me you might have had a lot more to say "privately" than what you did publicly - but i won't dwell on your past plus it's a bit too degrading for me to think about how my loyalty was rewarded over at wtf anyway. just forget I said anything. and being I don't recognize any of the old crew here other than rubbish I don't need much imagination as to the fate of their loyalty to you as well.

let me go ahead and clean my stuff up and say peace out to a few peeps Ive met

ya'll be good.... again! ;)

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why is the suggestion ladder offsite? I mean it's real nice you own multiple domains all along the same unique idea and all but... hey guys... wtf?

I think there are plenty enough users here to warrant a site suggestion board in the forums HERE where users won't be bumped from site to site or wonder where in the world they should make a site suggestion - the community clerks suggestion ladder doesn't even support voting - where as this forum does.

Every time someone does make a suggestion, robert asks if they have sent these to staff or jordan says something about a help desk and there aint no readily visible links for either. You either want suggestions you can address or you want to just confuse people (thus telling them "we dont care") - You are confusing people!

You two should have this site nailed down like a fine tuned Swiss watch - NOT making people feel like they are doing business in a Rube Goldberg machine.

When people do make a suggestion or ask a question somewhere they just end up with another question; I am sure these other sites of yours are really great and all but I aint interested in chasing a$$ around or getting ignored when I do make a suggestion somehwhere, whether you are ignoring it or not seeing it, etc etc.

I'd rather have somewhere local to go where someone can just reply - Great Idea, we'll look into it or Your a dumba$$ Seogawd, aint no way that's gonna happen - not answer my question or suggestion with a "did you contact....???"

Get a board up RIGHT HERE that says SITE SUGGESTIONS and mean it! Show your supporting the people that are Supporting YOU!

That's all I got to say about that. What say you?

If you would have read the 2nd Sentence at the VERY TOP of the "Suggestion Ladder", you would have read this:
"Soon, we plan to implement a Voting System where other Users can either Vote “Up” each Suggestion, or Vote them “Down”.

I highlighted the word "Soon" for you to help you. That word usually means it will happen sometime in the Future and has not happened yet.

What you don't realize is, the VERY complaint you are making, has already been solved. It's called CommunityClerks! You said so yourself that you'd "rather have somewhere local to go where someone can just reply - Great Idea, we'll look into it"

Well you were ALREADY THERE!! - and it was "LOCAL" at the time while you were there! - But YOU decided to "Jump around" and come back here to Post this!!
Why didn't you leave your Suggestion/Complaint - whatever it is- at CommunityClerks? Instead of coming all the way back here to talk about whether it had the Voting System implemented yet or not? Sounds like you're purposely doing a lot of the VERY THING you're complaining about - JUST for the sake of making a complaint!

Perhaps you have a Misunderstanding that this is some Fortune 500 Company with 30 Employees - The one thing you need to get through your head is that there's really just Jordan basically (the rest of us are basically doing what we do because we believe on the future of the Clerks and we're making an investment).

So I'd say this is pretty damn good for just one person. Where is your website? Can I see it?

My name is also Jordan - Would you believe that? There are actually TWO people in the SAME World with the same name!!! WOW!!

seocheckout is more of a Marketplace
This is seocheckout's Forum. (you are here) X
SocialClerks is a Social Exchange Site.
ForumClerks is a Forum Post Exchange
CommunityClerks is the Blog for all the Clerks Sites.

Is that really so hard to understand?

Maybe I'll ask everyone else here by using the "Voting System"


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Great to see most of my suggestions have been added!
Thanks alot My Suggestions! My Suggestions!

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Tommy Matalino
A suggestion for Seocheckout but it was added to a different site! o_O

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A suggestion for Seocheckout but it was added to a different site! o_O

What do you mean? My suggestions in the opening post of this thread was for and they (most) have been added to this website ( My Suggestions!

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Yeah, I see many of them are now active here. My Suggestions! keep posting them!!

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Tommy Matalino
What do you mean? My suggestions in the opening post of this thread was for and they (most) have been added to this website ( My Suggestions!

Oh. I thought that was added on exjordanary's site. XD I might have misread his post. OTL

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Oh. I thought that was added on exjordanary's site. XD I might have misread his post. OTL
No probs My Suggestions!

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