
Bought a service by mistake

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Bought a service by mistake

I have bought a gig in Seocheckout which I thought was something I look for. The gig seller is also where I'm from and so maybe the facebook likes he'll add to my fan page are profiles from our country, turned out he is actually selling facebook subscribers NOT fan page likes.

So I thought maybe its fine, Do you guys find those subscribers in your facebook profle useful?


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Yeah, real subscribers are great. You can add stuff and they get an update. Fake ones are ok too, at least they make you look popular.

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It does feel like my page is too pretencious because of it but then yes its almost like I'm a celeb. I just hope they won't unsubscribe when I gradually send updates that they know nothing about. Most of my websites are just for local audience so if they're not from my country they sure will never understand.

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