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Don't you think there should be a chat system so
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Hello friends,
Don't you think there should be a chat system so
- We can easily communicate to each other
- Easy to know who is online.
- No need to wait for long time for reply.
- Most important there should be an option where Sellers & Buyers(Mostly Sellers) put time(Approx) for next time when he/she will be online? This is because if someone is taking work from outside the world & want to done over here. He/She choose one seller & if his client ask how much time u will take to complete, in this case he/she will let his/her client know by watching the time on Seocheckout that after this time seller will be online.
Hope it is helpful & you will like this.
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I do not agree fully, this is also now possible to know who is online or offline by watching profile,
and if a public chat system starts then many problem will arrive for some bad sellers or buyers which aimed to disturb,
I guess now message system is fine, I will expect a live chat support to contact on helpdesk, Not to the seller or buyer,
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Honestly, I dont think so, because the reason of facebook and Seocheckout using is different, and often we have many issue on facebook etc,
I agree that we want a live chat system, but i am worried about how it will be used and the process, there should more strong action or requirements,
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if you mark there is one option of online / offline features of all members
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I know there is an option to check Online & Offline but it will be better to check that when(Approx time) he/she will be online next time so it will be easy to work with him.
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As a seller, I will often need a reply from the seller now, not later. So it would be nice if I could just IM (on seocheckout) the buyer to ask my question. If they are online then hopefully they would answer me then. I guess this works both ways with buyers and sellers.
Like others have expressed though, I am worried that some buyers would use this feature to pester a seller who is trying to get work done.
Also, you might have some buyers who will want to lure the sellers away onto Skype to do deals. That type of thing hurts the site's profitability and in the end hurts us all.
I won't deny this would be a good feature for getting answers now, assuming the seller even bothers responding to the instant messages of the buyer. If the seller is busy they might just ignore the messages.
@SuvoSEO, I support a live chat feature for help desk.
I think this would be essential for having issues resolved now. Or at least knowing that someone was looking into the matter.
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This is not a good idea from my suggestion the site is already well functioned and well design so there is no need to add extra system.
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Just think when you want to buy something, which is better:
1. Got instant respond after you ask (Live Chat)
2. Got respond like now (via inbox)
I think livechat is better
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Most websites have the live chat option now so you can get instant answers to questions. Maybe it's time for something like this. Though I still support a feature that allows a seller to turn off their chat if they need to be on Seocheckout but don't want to be messaged. Otherwise, your buyers and potential customers will see that you are online and think you are purposefully ignoring them when they message. And maybe you just don't have time to stop and answer questions. But I think this option for chat should only be available between buyers and sellers, such as someone who has purchased your service. And, a potential buyer should still have to message in inbox.
There should be lots of features to customize privacy for this too, such as blocking specific usernames from the chat or only those people who have purchased services or following you can message you on the chat. That will limit the potential to be spammed by randoms who are only trying to advertise their services.
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Let's say that we have our own "skype" or live chat service at seocheckout.. They need to add us first to see our status "busy" or not..
And if they dont add us, if we online (including busy) our status will stay "online" like this time
But if they add us, they can see more detail (may be online and busy)
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We hope that Seocheckout team will take better initiative soon.
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This would be great. But Seocheckout is already outdated so I do not think there going to update there website anytime soon.
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This would be great. But Seocheckout is already outdated so I do not think there going to update there website anytime soon.
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What makes you think Seocheckout is outdated ?
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Yes chat option may be helpful here, Can we add it as some offer for level 3, 4 ,5 like members
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Really this can be a good option that enable live chat only for Level 3 & up, so there will be less chance of spamming.
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Hello, seoguru24x7.
Just an opinion and here's some things to back it up:
Compared to other micro job sites, Seocheckout has many site issues. With like Fiverr there whole UI and selling experience is awesome how you can have express and more options. It also makes the buyer's experience better with order tracking and more. Not trying to hate but there is some things that Seocheckout needs to improve on.
Thanks for the reponse.
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What changes can make Seocheckout better then fiverr ? Your suggestion is always welcome.
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@Nextant things are slowly coming there. Seocheckout staff is listening for new suggestions, but there is too many, but from time to time you see new features coming up. We all wish some things to go faster, i know.
However, there is forum section and threads where you can suggest new features. Don't think that staff don't care of them, but they looking which suggestions is most supported by other members and where they can feet in. None of the large network websites making changes or new features every week or month, this is large project. So just be patient!! Seocheckout is much better place then last year or before
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I think Seocheckout really needs to work on bringing back different things, and stop removing services for no reason. Most of the time the person has done nothing and there service gets removed. This goes to there banned services, when they could have so much more with Facebook likes and more. People had about 200 orders a day from Facebook likes and services. Fiverr allows all of this and that's why people keep leaving Seocheckout.
Seocheckout should have more flexible options, like a vacation button or custom order button. Seocheckout should also have more in depth categories similar to Fiverr with sub categories. Also to stop limiting level 1's on there prices. I find this very annoying on my short time on Seocheckout. I would love to offer a lower price but Seocheckout doesn't allow it. You'd think they would only allow you to get up to 5$, not 5$ and up. Being able to have lower prices for me would increase my chances of getting my first buyer by so much. They really need a chat, which I suggested earlier. This would allow people to tell others about there experiences and who to or who not to buy from. As a designer, this proably won't happen but it would be so nice to have a porfilio of my work, on Seocheckout. This is things I think Seocheckout should take action on, ASAP.
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Here is partly answer to your question:
If you search this forum, there is lot more answers to find. Particularly Facebook services are banned because Facebook staff is making problems, not because Seocheckout don't like them. Facebook officials were the one who made pressure on Seocheckout to stop with this services because of their policy. There is lot more that happening behind the scene then we exactly know. I am sure that Fiverr is facing same problem and any other sites who selling this services. It is NOT everything up to seocheckout!
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Hello staff members(@Beverly , @anwebservices & others),
May we know, are you guys thinking of it(Chat system)?
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@jordan making decisions about it. I bet there is more important things on his todo list and i am not sure about chat because i don't make decisions
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Good Points.
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