
please allow me (or any Level 1) to add services for $4 or $3

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please allow me (or any Level 1) to add services for $4 or $3

some people find my services are expensive for $10.

to make more sales, i want to reduce price to be $6 or $5.

SEOClekrs does not allow us please allow me (or any Level 1) to add services for $4 or $3



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You need to be a level 2 user or more to reduce your price below then 5$

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i know you are a beginner. if you want to reach level 2 you have to made 10 complete orders. then only you can reduce the pricing otherwise increase your quantity

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Please complete 10 sales

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Completing 10 sales on SC is not at all difficult. You just need to promote your services to different places.

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LEVEL-1 seller can not create service less than $10. so you have complete 10 sales quickly to achive this facilities.

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create service for $10 but put it "on sale" for less ;)

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you can do one thing,if some one find your service expensive.then try to increase the quality and quantity of the service.

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wait bro just wait

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hi...i am a level 1 seller...My level not change why?Please help me and upgrade my level.
  • Completed Orders: 52
  • Amount Sold: $865
  • Response Time: 7 hours
  • First Sale: 213 days ago
  • Rating: 100%
  • First Withdrawal: 12 days ago

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