
Few Tips to get happy & returning buyers

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Few Tips to get happy & returning buyers

Today I was going over this forum regarding tips and tricks so I thought to share my little experience as well regarding happy and regular buyers.

I think it depends upon how you treat your buyer . I got many returning buyers some of them just blindly trust me and some of them even pay me 10-15 days early and want there job after 15 days . So here is what I do may be you will find these few tips helpful Few Tips to get happy & returning buyers

  • First of all always check buyer history . When I get order I always check buyer history where they buy from and if they are selling as well and all also there rating . After getting a little background check on buyer you start giving him service other than he is already buying from someone else. Tell them about your service don't give him straight comparison with any other seller . Just you have to keep in mind what he has purchased previously and how can I interest him in my service more .
  • Always give him more than what he is already buying .
  • Now show him your work portfolio and also gain his interest by showing some of your other services related to that so that buyer will understand that you are not a newbie you are experienced in what you are selling .
  • Then suppose if buyer is buying a seo service from you when He order other than just giving him your service also give him few tips so he can understand little more about seo . ( Trust me if buyer gets little information and tips from you he will automatically get emotionally linked with you and will surely come back ) I have been practising this for 9 months and I always give good tips to my buyers and they love me for that and always return to me even some of them ask me about other sellers as well because of this trust .
  • Always be friendly with him all people like to be treated politely and nicely . I am not saying go unprofessional with them but as you can see all leaders and all professionals also have a very good communication skills so this is the key point for trust gaining.
  • After delivery keep a check on delivered service and remain in contact with him through pm and keep him updated about results and next updates sometimes they wont reply but always do this .
  • Always show them your buyer reviews ( Example : I created a thread here on advertisement after delivery I always ask my buyer to visit this thread and share there experience . I know He has already completed the order but the review here on thread is like the best portfolio of your work trust me ) when I show my thread to my new buyers they just blindly trust me and purchase my service after that they always contact me . You guys can checkout my thread regarding youtube services as a reference which I made you will see buyer reviews as well . Its like my portfolio .
  • After the delivery always give some compliments about his work ( Example : If he ordered for website then say I really loved your website , If its a video then say I really like your effort on your video ) This will for sure get your buyer stick to you forever as he will see your sincerity toward his project Few Tips to get happy & returning buyers

These are the few of my practices which I found very effective in returning buyers .I hope you will also practice this and will get good results and returning buyers Few Tips to get happy & returning buyers

I would love to see your participation and your suggestions on this tutorial Few Tips to get happy & returning buyers

Farah khan


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I always share some tips as you said.
And I really like your second last point & gonna try this for sure because I thing this will work 100%.

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Yes all the tips you provided is very useful. Sellers can take their Seocheckout journey to next level using those.

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Very useful. I use most of this methods too. But i am just curious how you check buyer's history of buying?? I had this on my mind and it would be useful, i just don't know how's that possible, or where??

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Very useful. I use most of this methods too. But i am just curious how you check buyer's history of buying?? I had this on my mind and it would be useful, i just don't know how's that possible, or where??

Yes Anweb you are right about this We cannot check it directly but sometimes buyers also got recommendation as I always recommend my good buyers so by recommendation you can check there history but not all the time only where there are recommendations for him Few Tips to get happy & returning buyers

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Great tips Farah. I like the idea of checking buyer's history as this will give you some indication about the type of buyer.

Also I do feel that sellers who have just started have to work extra hard to convince the buyer and this is where many other buyers try to take advantage of them by requesting free samples and then selling it to others.

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Great tips Farah. I like the idea of checking buyer's history as this will give you some indication about the type of buyer.

Also I do feel that sellers who have just started have to work extra hard to convince the buyer and this is where many other buyers try to take advantage of them by requesting free samples and then selling it to others.

Yes I know new sellers got scammed by many fake buyers . Thats why I shared these few tips so new sellers always choose right buyer to work with Few Tips to get happy & returning buyers

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Yes Farah, Very useful tips, love to read, you have shared the really amazing ideas, I have just started the Gig with seocheckout, will keep in mind these all the things.

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You gave a very good Tips, but many seller need to read this for them to make a change. Thanks

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Thank you very much, and I got return buyer manually with get-in-touch with them via facebook chat.

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very nice tutorial.thank you ,
Farah khan

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thanks you for sharing some tips

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nice set of tips. I am following most of these :-)

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This is really interesting.Will add up the practice

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super tutorial, i really like this tutorial.This is very helpful to me.

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Great!! We're not stuck in the old thing anymore. Thank you

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Very good piece. very informative for beginners.

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Actually a great tutorial. thank you for sharing your experience. I don't have anything to add here.

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Awesome tips.. this would help a lot....

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In this heading, I've noticed a decline in the number of new orders coming in lately. I mean my old buyers are the ones that's been coming back to order and that owes to quality service and good communication I believe.

Sure if ure experiencing same, you'll agree

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In this heading, I've noticed a decline in the number of new orders coming in lately. I mean my old buyers are the ones that's been coming back to order and that owes to quality service and good communication I believe.

Sure if ure experiencing same, you'll agree

Yes this is happening to all of us, I think

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Please don't share your service link in this forum.
Go here to promote your service links:

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thank a lot Webmania.

No need of thanks. We all are just like a family so we should help each other.

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yes, that is 100% true. i like your word friend.

Just do one thing, Be ready to help others.

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Great tips, I am already following these all, Few may not Farah khan Appreciate your great tips sure will follow.

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Enjoyed while reading the post. Very helpful and informative. Thank you


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I really loved this tutorial Few Tips to get happy & returning buyers

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Great tips ! Thank you

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Just do one thing, Be ready to help others.

Ever ready to help others

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Its really practically true tips to gain a buyer as permanent. Thanks for sharing your tips. I also impressed my buyer to keep order always continue as following;
* When buyer pm me before order, I give them free analysis of website and help him to order right service for his website. If you do this, buyer will be really impressed and satisfied about your effort and experienced.
* I always provide some bonus work for my each order that liked most of people to get some extraFew Tips to get happy & returning buyers
* I try to provide best price with high quality services to my buyer.
* Yes, I provide to my buyer great suggestion about their website.


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Certaily goodtips, Clear Communication from Adlisting to Order placement to taskcompletion etc. is very important.

With regards,

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