
Why rating Drop from level 3 to level 1

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Why rating Drop from level 3 to level 1

why my level drop

no negative feedback
1 day responsive time
every order completed
96.5% rating


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I cant analyse from here, however please make sure

you hav not done any infaction
then you may be detected as a seller for buyer/ buyer from seller

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please check your status i am sure you have one infraction so that your level has drop.

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Some common reasons for level decrease include:
  • A change from classification as Seller to Buyer
  • Your account was set as unpromotable - such as for buying/selling to linked accounts - considered userlevel fraud
  • You have received an infraction recently that has set your account to Level 1
  • You no longer meet the minimum requirements for Level 2 or 3. Find out more about userlevels here:

Only staff can tell you why your level has decreased. You are welcome to create a support ticket here to ask about this issue:

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