
Why afflifiate link are blocked for some social media??

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Why afflifiate link are blocked for some social media??

Hlw Seo Nation
Why afflifiate link are blocked for some social media?? like as Facebook google plus
plz guyz any one can help??
i can't do promotion on my afflifiate links i'm trying a lot to bring some buyers from other side
i want to go level 4. but bad luck i'm unfortunetly i'm stuck in level 3
there is also some prblm my ip is banned from some forum that's why i can;t make a gd result.
i want social media promotion
plz help me
Best regards,


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Best option is to create your own affiliate website and share your website's links anywhere, like i do. For other options search this forum, it was discussed before, many times

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Yes affiliates are block, bt you can try with creative ideas

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doo u have some ides then u can share!!!

Be creative by your self. Although it is blocked social media is the best option to do that...

there are several options you would use.
1. redirect site (see mine - )
2. use some of your tech blogs and then post to facebook though them
3. use forum posts etc

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It is a affiliate website, When your buyer need to buy something of your listing , he will click. SO it will directly go to Seocheckout as a affiliate

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Nope I have created it to be updated automatically with any of the sellers service.

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