
Seocheckout Affiliate Question

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Seocheckout Affiliate Question

Ok, here's the problem. I've had over 32000 affiliate clicks, yet my conversion rate is HORRIBLE...I mean, I've been an affiliate of many programs for over 8 years and this is the worst I've ever seen for something that should be an easy sell.

I'm even using the coupon "bait" and so far EVERY person who signed up through my affiliate link (verified) has NOT showed up under my downline at all, which makes me look bad because now I can't give them the coupon code because I haven't received any credit for the signup.

So, my only conclusion is that either the tracking is flawed or I'm losing through the old affiliate cookie issue. To give SC the benefit of the doubt, we'll assume it's the latter.

So, my question is, can you explain to me a way to ensure any previous affiliate cookies are removed BEFORE someone signs up through my link (legal and not stuffing, of course, although its

I'm all for everyone getting their fair cut, but this is beyond ridiculous and I need to do something drastic or it soon won't be worth doing at all.



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Oooh! Update...just got one that went through. But still, suggestions??? Seocheckout Affiliate Question

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I've been worried over this issue and after a little research on Google found this link that talks about the affiliate cookie policy, being five days.

On some sites that I visit, the person asking for sign ups through an affiliate link will instruct the visitor as to how to remove any pre-existing cookies, such as by using CCleaner, clearing cookies in browser settings, etc. You could set this as one of your stipulations, such as 'if you want this coupon, clear your cookies before clicking the link).

You could provide instructions on page or link to a credible site such as this one which gives instructions for every browser.

Theoretically your cookie should be the only one on that person's computer after that.

As to whether or not they would clear cookies first, who knows. But the coupon is good incentive for taking that extra step.

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Thanks, and yes, adding instructions is now working, as I had a properly credited signup to my account within minutes of adding it to my coupon page. I simply wrote, in bold, that they MUST clear their cookies first before signing up through my link, in order to claim the $10 coupon from me. It's working Seocheckout Affiliate Question

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