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HI friends, Does anybody told my it's possible to recovered my blog or not.
I am running my blog more then 1 years & my visitor 7000+ per day & my google pr was 2 but suddenly my blog disappear from everything without getting any mail or message.
If you know how to recover then please tell me. please open this link before write something.
My blog url :: cyberxcrime.blogspot.com
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You should visit this URL:
and see if the reasons it was deleted falls within any of these categories.
If someone reported your blog, they might have removed it. It is possible that it was deleted by blogspot for having infractions or breaking blogspots rules. You should visit this URL: http://support.google.com/blogger/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=87065 and see if the reasons it was deleted falls within any of these categories. If someone reported your blog, they might have removed it.
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