
Is it possible to have a high page rank without content or backlinks ?

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Is it possible to have a high page rank without content or backlinks ?

I am about to purchase a very high google page rank site from flippa ... the site name is not fancy but its ok for me ... but when i saw the site i was shocked !!!!!

The site is hosted on wordpress and has no content except for " HELLO WORLD " written on it which is a starter page for wordpress ....

It has zero backlinks but it is indexed by google i guess .

I first thought that it might have fake pagerank or the owner might have used the redirection technique , so i used various online tools and even googles method of info:url to check its credibility , and each and every method i used is showing its page rank as valid .

Can a site with no content and zero backlinks have a valid high pagerank ???

If so how ???

even if its valid , i am afraid that when i will change its servers and hosting to mine , it will lose its rank as soon as next google update occurs .... or it it possible that once rank is increased it will have same rank for ever ????

or is it ok for me to get ahead and purchase this site ?????


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It is possible. If the domain name has VERY low competition keywords in it or very unique name, then yes, Google will index the site just based on the name of the domain.
Example: I am working on a wordpress site for my father -in- law's company which has the name of the company in the URL, and within 24 hours, it was already listed at the top of google for that name because it is unique.
There is no content, and I have built no backlinks, but yet, there it sits on page 1 of google based solely on the domain name.
So yes, it does happen.
The host or server plays no part in when or why the domain got indexed, so it would be safe to move it to your own host.
If you plan to purchase the domain and actually add content and backlinks, be sure to make the changes slowly.

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Maybe I have to agree that some domain names can have a high ranking in the search engines but not really the page rank. We now know that the page rank is not being used by Google anymore so if the page rank is being used to add value to the website that is being sold then I guess you are being duped. Or maybe the contents of the site were deleted so it has no contents anymore and the ranking has not been updated yet.

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It's possible but i'm not sure how long it will keep this PR since you will not do any backlinking.

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I can't understand how

backlinks is must,

please provide us with the URL and I'll check it for you

may be it's social bookmark that effect in PR

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The google page rank algorithm works in way more complicated way than we think. Backlinks are one of the main factors however there are other things. Hook up to the wikipedia article about Google PR.

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you wont get PR overnight. It will take time when Google realize your website worht to get any ranking.Not necessary that you have to work on backlinks. In ideal cases, /back link are not initiated by site owners.They should come from your visitors note about your site in other site.

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Having good contents means you are showing identity of your company in front of visitors and having quality backlinks means,your site has good value in eyes of Google. Both are very important to achieve handsome page rank.

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Becoming 1st among one is never a good idea. There is no point in ranking high for keywords that do not not have too many search queries. I don't think you can get high page rank with no contents and no backlinks. Your page is ranked based on the keywords used in the content, if there are no keywords, how will it get recognized by search engine.

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As they say in the internet, anything is possible but the probability that a site with just one line of greeting as the content, that is an impossibility. If you are the search engine, how would you treat a site like that, almost empty and as you said, no backlinks to speak of. In other words, that is a null website regarding SEO. Pardon me for saying this but there is something wrong with the claim and you should be shocked because you never expected an empty site to have a good rank.

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