
How many blogs do you manage or own?

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How many blogs do you manage or own?

Currently, I'm managing three active blogs but over time have created dozens, mostly niche blogs. I like the blogging experience as it allows me to express my writing creativity in my own space, not dictated by others. How many blogs do you manage or have you created, which are still very active?


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I'm trying to focus only on one blog currently rather than spreading my efforts around to many sites as this can lead to lack of focus on any one site. The problem with multi tasking sites is that not many people can do it. If you are highly organized and even outsource some of your work, you are likely to be successful with multiple sites, but that's a rare person who can pull this off alone.

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I have half dozen websites, some of these are blogs, some are amazon affiliate store and one is an ecommerce site. While I try to work on ecommerce store every day, by updating contents, putting relevant products, and promoting it on social media and else where, however, I am not much active on my blogs. In fact I have not even added another post since a long time. My blogs are not earning me much and I am more focused at freelancing work that generates me money for my bills and necessities.

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I have three blogs for down and I'm good with them since I write on things I love to talk about.So I don't find it difficult to blog at all.

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Do separate the topics for each blog? I have a blog on recipe, a blog on art, I was wondering whether I should open up another blog to link my other articles at other writing sites.

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It is always better to have different blogs for different topics. Google and other search engines love niche blogs instead of the blogs that have all kinds of topics. If you cannot develop separate blogs, you can create subdomains on your main site and use the subdomains for different topic. For instance, you want to publish contents on health, travel, and recipe. you can create, and and use these subdomains to publish on respective niches.

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Dear @vinaya
May I know if I separate each category into different blog domain name, I can link them together right? What type of 3rd party ads do you use to earn money?

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I have linked all of my blogs to my personal website. I think this helps you to build an audience as well as establish. It sends a positive message when the visitor know that you own many websites. I use Adsense on my blogs except on the one that is one lingerie niche. Since I publish images of bikini models on my lingerie blog, this is considered against adsense TOS. I also use Amazon ads and products from Commission Junction on my blogs.

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Honestly, I have got no blog as I write, but I am eager to open more as soon as I can have gone through the teachings of how to open and run a blog.

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I have created two but I am not actively posting on the second one. I also like the fact that I can write with my own schedule and show my creativity in writing. Blogs are easy to manage and if they are well established, you can earn a living from them or even sell at a profit.

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