
what's the best tips to be successful seller in Seocheckout?

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what's the best tips to be successful seller in Seocheckout?

Hi all, please mention some tips for sellers to be successful in seocheckout. Please mention some tips to me please as I'm new. Also please mention some for who have already sell in Seocheckout too. Share useful info.

Thanks all.


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if you want to successful seller in Seocheckout , quality of gig is so good .
-) Deliver quality service
-) Cheapest rate from other seller
-) Deliver your work within expected time period
-) Level up
-) Be online mostly & make gig frequently

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These are best ways.
-- Be Honest In your Work
-- Delievered As Soon As You Can

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The best way to be successful in any business, not just seocheckout, is to offer friendly service and quality products. Your reputation as a seller will spread based on those 2 factors because of positive feedback.
And be sure to advertise your gig's on other sites such as facebook and twitter.

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You must have a good reputation. Your gigs must be a real deal (which means that there is no illegal activities such as not delivering the order). Also, promotion of gigs is really a must !

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You have to deliver the right project to the right people. Deliver quality services and you shall get more orders.

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Read this user levels in seocheckout

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May be for new sellers you have to make your GIG the cheapest,

then just try to advertise for it

now you may sell some gigs,

try to deliver with bonus and offer a free gig if you order 2 another gigs, all this while delivering

after that you may need to be featured,

don't worry pay of paying $115, you will gain more,

but keep delivering in time with bonus and offers

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For me, I have advertised my Seocheckout gigs on other webmaster forums... thats how I got many sales what
You can try the same.

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mmm Great Idea,

but what's the best webmaster forums, I wanna try this kind of ads

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if you want to successful in Seocheckout , quality of gig is so good .
-->good services
-->special offer
-->daily active on seocheckout

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If you got a gig that fancy others then you would be great seller on seocheckout.

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Some Steps To Get Good Ratings Te Be A Successful Seller
-- Make Customer Happy
-- Only Create Gigs That You Can provide
-- Be Honest In your Work
-- Delievered As Soon As You Can

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to have a great career in Seocheckout you have to make your gigs famous .
so first start with good gigs ( best quality offer with less money ) // it's not a problem to lose money to get your custommers happy . then now you have some custommers trusting you then they will apply in your gigs so you can update your gigs rate ect ...

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The best tips is be active, and give the buyer with your best service..

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