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Should you watch threads?

If you create a discussion will you always tick the box to watch the thread? Sometimes I have watched a thread and then got over whelmed with emails in my inbox for that discussion, especially if the thread was very popular.


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You could adjust your forum settings so that you get updated via your control panel and not your email. This would be a good way to stay notified of changes to a post you created without being deluged with posts in your inbox.

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I always watch the threads I'm in. Sometimes I will even watch threads that I haven't posted in just to see where it goes, especially if it's about something I'm not familiar with, but I'm interested in.

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I get notifications when a thread that I am watching gets a comment. As a member, it’s not my habit to watch threads but I watch the interesting threads especially if I have posted a question as a comment and awaiting an answer. There was a time that I had forgotten all about my question and I only chanced upon the answer after so many months. That taught me to watch interesting threads so I will be informed of new comments that may be of interest to me.

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