
Staff members who threaten and bully

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Staff members who threaten and bully

Let's say you hired a really good admin or mod and they did a good job for awhile but one day started bullying the members. How would you handle the situation? Would you fire the person right away or try to resolve the issue to see if there was an underlying cause?


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This could happen to any forum, especially if the person has allowed the power to go to their head. You will just want to prescreen your staff better, rather than allowing a staff member to come in untested from another site.

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Some people are good at hiding their true selves until given access to immense power. Never allow forum staff unlimited power. And, always have a way you can check on their behavior, such as an insider source on the forum that will report to you about events which go on while you are offline.

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Even one bullying event might be enough for a majority of your members to quit. So you should act fast so that your community is preserved. Get rid of the offending admin or mod quickly.

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Even one bullying event might be enough for a majority of your members to quit. So you should act fast so that your community is preserved. Get rid of the offending admin or mod quickly.

The situation escalated very quickly and was out of hand. It resulted in a ban but still some of my best members quit over the incident. Since then the people who quit have come back but it's not like it was before with those people. You just have to be so careful with who you hire. After that incident, I wonder if I will ever be able to trust anyone in the admin position on my forum. :/

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A bully has no place in the society. It is regrettable to have a bully for a staff because it is a smear on your forum. That happened to my husband where a moderator got envious of my husband's popularity in the community. Being bullied, my husband left the forum and some others followed him. The forum suffered a sort of a lull. And it was all because of the bully staff.

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