
What if your best forum poster left?

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What if your best forum poster left?

What would you do if your most prolific forum poster left your forum?


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And, this is why you should never rely on just one or two forum members to create your content. Otherwise your forum would be dead if they left. Always diversify and recruit every day for new members.

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It helps to have a core group of loyal members who post daily. However, putting too much pressure on any one person to create the bulk of your content is just disaster waiting to happen.

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A forum can't revolve around one person. But, if that person was really so important to you, then it would pay to try to get them back with you. Even if that meant hiring them as staff.

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This is not to brag but it happened to my husband. He was the star poster of a local forum. In fact, when their forum community had their first eyeball, it was apparent that my husband was the most popular member. He was known to have a funny personality hence with just a simple joke, everyone would roar with laughter. And maybe the admin was jealous and my husband had been the target of character assassination by the admin’s cohorts. When my husband left the forum, the admin was emailing him to come back. And when my husband’s mother died, the admin and his cohorts even came to the wake not really to condole but to convince my husband to come back to the forum. But my husband stood pat in his decision to leave. That forum lost a good amount of activity and one member said that the boards became boring.

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