
Do's and don'ts of forum posting contests

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Do's and don'ts of forum posting contests

Creating a posting contest is an effective way to stimulate forum posting. The key is to make the contest last a long time, such as one full month, rather than simply a week. There could be a downside to having such a long contest in that members could get busy and forget to post or get bored/discouraged with their posting and simply quit posting. Other things to consider for a 'post the most' contest would be spam prevention as some new members will simply post one liners or quick answers to hike post count. You'll need lots of spam moderators to delete these posts. What are some other things you should be considering when creating a forum posting contest for your site?


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Forum posting contests will create a temporary flurry of new posts on the forum but afterward most of the posting members will resume their normal posting pattern. For that reason, it helps to have posting contests at least once a month to keep the excitement on your forum going.

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Don't open the contest to new members, only established forum members. Otherwise you are only asking for spam posts. The loyal members can be trusted to make quality posts, where as new members have no real reason to, especially when money is involved.

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I really don’t relish that post the most contest because it is obvious that the admin is just soliciting for activity on the forum. Much better is the most popular thread because it has a little sense in it as a contest. And like the most posts, the popular thread is also easy to judge because it is decided by sheer numbers.

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