
Do you allow staff members to be voted in?

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Do you allow staff members to be voted in?

Who decides on new staff members on your forum? As forum owner/admin are you the only voice for determining new members? Or, do you allow forum staff to be voted in by the members?


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I would want to make the decision myself.

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I would want to make the decision myself.

Of course, the final decision rests with the forum owner. But isn't there some value in allowing the forum members to at least nominate staff members for the various positions? The community is likely to know who they want on staff or who they will take directions from.

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Of course, the final decision rests with the forum owner. But isn't there some value in allowing the forum members to at least nominate staff members for the various positions? The community is likely to know who they want on staff or who they will take directions from.

The site members will have a better idea of how a member acts when you (the admin or owner) is not on the site. They will nominate someone who is decent and kind or at least fair, even when you are not around.

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