
Do you offer revenue sharing on your forum?

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Do you offer revenue sharing on your forum?

Some forums offer revenue sharing with members, such as splitting Adsense or even paying members who post. Have you tried this option?


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There are a few problems with splitting revenue with your members. For one thing, not many forums earn enough money to be able to split profits/revenue. Also, there is the issue of people posting content that would violate Google TOS or clicking on the ads on page in hopes of boosting earnings. Either of those could get your site suspended from Adsense.

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Some forums offer revenue sharing with members, such as splitting Adsense or even paying members who post. Have you tried this option?

I always believe sharing revenue with the members are good idea, and adsense revenue can be good option.

But it all depend on traffic and activities of your forum.


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I think this is too good to be true although I have been to 2 forums that shares the revenue with their members. However, one forum still has to fulfill that promise because when there were enough points for withdrawal, there came the news that the site is having problems with the advertisements so all payments will be on hold. But I think forums that share in revenue have more attractions to new members than the ordinary forums. Just a food for thought to forum owners here.

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