
High Quality Services

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High Quality Services

We've added a new "High Quality" services listing which contains services that have been proven to work. Only a manual staff review can get your service listed here. Read more here:

This thread is all of us to discuss the new feature, ask questions, etc.


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that's a great idea

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Hello Jordan I do not understand this (Promote your service URL and raise the rank from whatever it currently is. Typically, you need to get it on the first page in order to become certified.). Please describe more about whole procedure. Rather I understand Idea is very good.


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What is current Position (number)?

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I am very exited for this feature, let me go for it.

Thanx Jordan for offering really useful and wonderful feature.



Current Position: [number], not got this. Can you please explain?

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First Page of WHAT?? Google? seocheckout? I think everyone is a little confused...

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High Quality Services


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First Page of WHAT?? Google? seocheckout? I think everyone is a little confused...


It's on Seocheckout page;

High Quality Services



My Question on condition # 3
Promote your service URL and raise the rank from whatever it currently is. Typically, you need to get it on the first page in order to become certified.

If my service not on first page, I would not be eligible ?

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"why we should certify you and how you will prove your service works"

What you mean by your service works?

Let's say I sell body ads... how can I prove that my service works? What mean that a body ad work?

Second I'm selling blog comments as a seo service not as a full seo campaign and I'm not advertising that I will get you on first place on G or thing like that. But depending on how and for what are you using this service it can be a part of the things that bring my buyer to #1

And why are automated service not qualify for this? This way you reduce the chances of a seller like me that offer "blog comments" of getting the same exposure as others.

It will be better just to say that a staff member review the service and once you became certify you must provide the service again at any time a staff member request a reevaluation.

Thank you

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Ok, I've reworded it a bit. More about it:

This site is all about SEO, so logically, an SEO service would "rank" a webpage/site in search engines. However, I'm not sure why I added that bit about first page or the ranking since there are so many types of services. You just have to prove your service is what you claim it to be.

The point of this listing is to appease buyer concerns that they are buying spam/crap. We will not list items that are inherently non-high quality. For example:
  • Scrapebox blasts
  • Senuke Campaigns
  • xrummer campaigns
  • Most any non-manual blackhat "mass" tool blast

These are not "high quality". These are low quality and automated. I'm not claiming they do or do not work nor am I saying anything bad about the software (most of these are great softwares). I am saying, they are not high quality and anyone who purchases this software could replicate the efforts.

Answers to your questions:

What you mean by your service works?

Your service must work as you advertise it. It must be high quality (see above).

Let's say I sell body ads... how can I prove that my service works? What mean that a body ad work?

Body ads are not "high quality". You should be able to discern what is high quality relating to SEO and what is not.

Second I'm selling blog comments as a seo service not as a full seo campaign and I'm not advertising that I will get you on first place on G or thing like that. But depending on how and for what are you using this service it can be a part of the things that bring my buyer to #1

And why are automated service not qualify for this? This way you reduce the chances of a seller like me that offer "blog comments" of getting the same exposure as others.

As mentioned above, automated tasks are not high quality. If we allow anyone that can perform any automated task and prove they performed it, we would not call the category "High Quality". Instead, we'd name it something like "anything that anyone can do". High Quality Services

Now, if you are selling blog comments and you manually make each one, they are grammatically correct and they are relevant to the niche (of the buyer) and relevant to the blog post (of the blog topic), this would quality as high quality. Using a tool to automate a portion of this would be fine (IE: Scrapebox in manual mode but writing each comment).

What is I use multiple services and other methods to raise that rank?

You have to use the service you are trying to get certified only.

From my point of view it would be much better if the services in question had been reviewed by staff directly. For example.
Say, I provide quality blog comments or forum posts and I want to get them certified, may as well do it them for free for seocheckout, if the staff likes my work, I can become certified.

High Quality blog comments, Yahoo Answers, or anything else manually done (as you do) are perfectly acceptable. Submit your ticket for certification.

If my service not on first page, I would not be eligible ?

Sorry, miscommunication on my part. Re-read the rules.

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Yes, or you can use an Seocheckout Channel video. Any social media must stick.

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Seems cool! A way to find quality services without shifting through hundred of automated High Quality Services

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Ok, I've reworded it a bit. More about it:

This site is all about SEO, so logically, an SEO service would "rank" a webpage/site in search engines. However, I'm not sure why I added that bit about first page or the ranking since there are so many types of services. You just have to prove your service is what you claim it to be.

The point of this listing is to appease buyer concerns that they are buying spam/crap. We will not list items that are inherently non-high quality. For example:
  • Scrapebox blasts
  • Senuke Campaigns
  • xrummer campaigns
  • Most any non-manual blackhat "mass" tool blast

These are not "high quality". These are low quality and automated. I'm not claiming they do or do not work nor am I saying anything bad about the software (most of these are great softwares). I am saying, they are not high quality and anyone who purchases this software could replicate the efforts.

Answers to your questions:

Your service must work as you advertise it. It must be high quality (see above).

Body ads are not "high quality". You should be able to discern what is high quality relating to SEO and what is not.

As mentioned above, automated tasks are not high quality. If we allow anyone that can perform any automated task and prove they performed it, we would not call the category "High Quality". Instead, we'd name it something like "anything that anyone can do". High Quality Services

Now, if you are selling blog comments and you manually make each one, they are grammatically correct and they are relevant to the niche (of the buyer) and relevant to the blog post (of the blog topic), this would quality as high quality. Using a tool to automate a portion of this would be fine (IE: Scrapebox in manual mode but writing each comment).

You have to use the service you are trying to get certified only.

High Quality blog comments, Yahoo Answers, or anything else manually done (as you do) are perfectly acceptable. Submit your ticket for certification.

Sorry, miscommunication on my part. Re-read the rules.

Until now I notice that you try to keep things fair and give all a chance....

Let's say you surf on the web and find a website where you can buy SEO services and not only.

And on the first page of that website you got more section and one is called High Quality.... what would your first impression or first action?

Your first impression will be that in that section you will find High Quality services and the others section you may find, as you called, spam/crap.

Then why a new visitor will go buy something that even the admin of the website consider :spam/crap?

And why you allow people to offer services that you consider from the beginning as being spam/crap.

My point is that with this section you reduce the others, seller that don't offer manually created services, the chance of selling their products/services.

Body ads are not "high quality". You should be able to discern what is high quality relating to SEO and what is not.

From what I understand you want that here will only sell SEO services... and Body Ads are not high quality then why did you create this section in the first place?

A section like this should contain service from all category and of types....

And as an example of blog comments created automatically you may find a seller that offer 10k blog comments and at the end of the SB blast take as granted the submitted ones and send the report with those and you may find a seller that after the submission verify all the links and send the report with 10k submitted and verified blog comments

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Anyone can create and provide a high quality service here on Seocheckout which is fair to all. If you want a service listed there, provide a high quality service. It is as simple as that. It would be entirely pointless to create a new section and allow all submissions as you keep suggesting.

Here is the definition of high quality.

superiority: the quality of being superior.

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I will let this go.....

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I will let this go.....

:| We aren't saying all other services are spam/crap. Merely, these have been proven to work. I take it the label is what you have a problem with - High Quality vs. something else like "Proven" (Staff Proven was the original name we used).

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:| We aren't saying all other services are spam/crap. Merely, these have been proven to work. I take it the label is what you have a problem with - High Quality vs. something else like "Proven" (Staff Proven was the original name we used).

Yes the label in the first place and also the criteria to qualify for this category.

This guy made 59 sales and he got only 1 neg review

And the same here, this guy have made 170 sales and only 5 neg revie

But none of them can get in that category since I'm sure that they don't create 5000 backlinks in 5 day manually.

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:| We aren't saying all other services are spam/crap. Merely, these have been proven to work. I take it the label is what you have a problem with - High Quality vs. something else like "Proven" (Staff Proven was the original name we used).

Should i provide also a list with my services or can ou add my blog comments or yahoo answers? I mean i think they proved themself a bit. High Quality Services

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hey to submit a ticket, we need to submit current position number... how to check that?

Second on that.


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Hey Jordan,

Can Social Media services like Youtube Views, Facebook Likes, Twitter Followers be added to the High Quality Area?

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if someone fail with one or two clients and let's say that they are his first clients, is that a poof that the method used is 100% bad ?
the idea of hight quality services is perfect, but it's not faire to apply it for beginner sellers. I hope it will applied after 10 or 20 sells, so you can see how many times the seller fail and how many times he succeed. and then you can proof that he have hight quality service or low quality. no one on seo can succeed 100%

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would selling tweets be considered high quality?

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What is the approval period ?


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Anyone can create and provide a high quality service here on Seocheckout which is fair to all. If you want a service listed there, provide a high quality service. It is as simple as that. It would be entirely pointless to create a new section and allow all submissions as you keep suggesting.

Here is the definition of high quality.

superiority: the quality of being superior.

I think this is completely fair personally. If every single seller providing automated website visits, youtube views, twitter followers, etc. ALL had their service high quality then what would be the point of the high quality tag anyway?

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Should i provide also a list with my services or can ou add my blog comments or yahoo answers? I mean i think they proved themself a bit. High Quality Services

If I (or any staff member) has ordered your service before already, just submit the order number and we can use that for our review.

hey to submit a ticket, we need to submit current position number... how to check that?

No - not any more. That is removed from the format rules.

Hi. Im selling here photoshop image editing services, can i gat high quality certify? What i must submit? Thanks

Absolutely, just submit a ticket with the format requested and we will go from there.

Hey Jordan,

Can Social Media services like Youtube Views, Facebook Likes, Twitter Followers be added to the High Quality Area?

Yes, social media qualifications will take longer as we have to wait and see if your followers disappear.

if someone fail with one or two clients and let's say that they are his first clients, is that a poof that the method used is 100% bad ?
the idea of hight quality services is perfect, but it's not faire to apply it for beginner sellers. I hope it will applied after 10 or 20 sells, so you can see how many times the seller fail and how many times he succeed. and then you can proof that he have hight quality service or low quality. no one on seo can succeed 100%

It doesn't matter how buyers have rated your service at the time of submission. However, if the quality badge is applied to a service and that seller continually underperforms, we will remove the badge.

would selling tweets be considered high quality?

We need something to judge for quality so with tweets you would have to offer us something to qualify you with.

What is the approval period ?


Depends on the service.

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Anyone can create and provide a high quality service here on seocheckout which is fair to all. If you want a service listed there, provide a high quality service. It is as simple as that. It would be entirely pointless to create a new section and allow all submissions as you keep suggesting.

Here is the definition of high quality.

superiority: the quality of being superior.

Jordan, perhaps consider renaming the section to something like "Manual SEO" instead of High Quality??

Oops, never mind - I just saw the post underneath - we're on the same track. "Proven" works too. *lol*


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It's on seocheckout page;

High Quality Services



If my service not on first page, I would not be eligible ?

That's not what my question was relating to. It was talking about the RULES of having to be on the First page BEFORE you can get Certified. If it was simply the 1st Page of seocheckout, all you'd have to do it "bump" it by editing it so it's obviously not correct. It's ok, it's been re-worded since.
Thanks for the reply though

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I created gigs on citation service.I don't use any software to create
business listing on citation service.Can I get high quality certify?

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Jordan, perhaps consider renaming the section to something like"Manual SEO" instead of High Quality??

Oops, never mind - I just saw the post underneath - we're on the same track. "Proven" works too. *lol*


Yeah, it is "Staff Selected" now which should open it up for anyone.

You can also submit your automated services now.

My service provide twitter followers. I have about 80 thumb up. How to update my service High Qualitly? I don't know how to create ticket? Where do I send ticket?

Yes, send it on using the format in the rules area (

Helpdesk -

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I have a question.
Step 4: Reply to the first ticket (from step #2) with the full report of your service.
I don't understand, can you explain for me.
Thank you very much

The 1st Ticket, you just Submit WHICH Service you want to be considered so your Start time can be Time/Date Stamped & watched by the Staff while you are working on it.

Then, when you are FINISHED working on it, you go back to the SAME Ticket you used to Submit your Service, and you basically Deliver your Gig (whether it's a Report, a Screenshot, a List of URLs, or some kind of Proof that the Gig was finished) just like you would to any Paid Customer.
Only difference is, since it's NOT A Paying Customer, you may want to use an Order you recently Received, as a Means to provide your Proof.
Just Deliver the same Proof to the HelpDesk, that you gave to your Customer.

Hope I got this right...
High Quality Services

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I submitted So i am hoping it will make it High Quality Services Its #1 in 3-4 search results , wish me luck!!!

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When submitting a ticket to get my service listed in the staff certified / tested page, what details is it that is use to sign in there? I tried the username and password that i use to log-in here, but it didnt work. Can someone let me know please? Thanks!

Also, is there a limit to how many services one member can have added? High Quality Services

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When submitting a ticket to get my service listed in the staff certified / tested page, what details is it that is use to sign in there? I tried the username and password that i use to log-in here, but it didnt work. Can someone let me know please? Thanks!

Also, is there a limit to how many services one member can have added? High Quality Services

Same thing happened to me, gone for lost password and reset it..

No idea on limit.


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i have a sevice logo design, but with zero sales . can i be high quality ?

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Same thing happened to me, gone for lost password and reset it..

No idea on limit.

Hopefully another member will help us out here! High Quality Services High Quality Services

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I will send my top sold gig in few days with promotion of seocheckout, so staff can evaluate it. High Quality Services

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Interesting. I like this perk. Admin, your avatar needs a shave.

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i have a sevice logo design, but with zero sales . can i be high quality ?

Yep - just submit to us at the HelpDesk.

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When submitting a ticket to get my service listed in the staff certified / tested page, what details is it that is use to sign in there? I tried the username and password that i use to log-in here, but it didnt work. Can someone let me know please? Thanks!

Also, is there a limit to how many services one member can have added? High Quality Services

When you submit you first ticket, you get an email with your login details. Look for an HD ticket from Ionicware.con

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Does anyone know roughly how long it takes from the point of submitting the staff certify request ticket to getting a response back for it?, weither that be the service being accepted or denied. High Quality Services

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Firstly, your instructions on getting this are far too unclear and shaky, secondly your link for submitting a ticket redirects to a websearch of some sort???? someone should sort out the description too, i would happily do it.

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Link fixed - thanks. Where are you unclear here?

  • Create your service if you have not already
  • Submit a ticket stating that you are going to achieve Staff Selected certification (see format below)
  • Prove to us your service works using your service methods only
  • Reply to the first ticket (from step #2) with the full report of your service

Once you submit your ticket, we will ask you to provide your service for us.

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Great service i liked to apply this service for my gig ....

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Great service i liked to apply this service for my gig ....

To get your service staff certified, you must apply via support ticket.
Find out more here:
High Quality Services

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Hi Jordan, can u help me i am posting many blog commenting services on since 28 March 2013 regularly and i also share my services on google+, facebook, twitter, linkedin but i don't have any client can u tell me the reason. And plz help me that how can i attract the people to use my services.
Please check my services and reply me the reason or the solution.

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is there any example of writing???
Give me an example I not understand. thank you

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If you would like to have your gig considered for our Staff Certification please go to the gig page and click on the link at the top right for Staff Certify.

Or you can send an e-mail ticket via the support system High Quality Services There are no other ways to do this or be considered.

Sami - What can I help you with?

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I'm still working on an Affiliate Store that Features "Staff Certified Services" ONLY -
see here at:

Officially by
Staff | Services for and by Professionals*

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Really good think High Quality Services

I am professional Back links services provider.. I have specialization in blog commenting service And we have specialization in Niche Relevant Blog commenting.

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I'm still working on an Affiliate Store that Features "Staff Certified Services" ONLY -
see here at:

Officially by
Staff | Services for and by Professionals*

CEOClerks is now Officially LAUNCHED!!!

High Quality
"Certified-Effective" Online Delivered Services by and for Professional Clerks

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CEOClerks is now Officially LAUNCHED!!!

High Quality
"Certified-Effective" Online Delivered Services by and for Professional Clerks

I think it's brilliant. High Quality Services

Also, I noticed the links at the top. So many sites. That's cool. Will look forward to checking them all out.

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I think it's brilliant. High Quality Services

Also, I noticed the links at the top. So many sites. That's cool. Will look forward to checking them all out.

Oh, you should see the List of Sites at the BOTTOM (footer) - and the Link for "ComClerks" is supposed to be to "" - i just haven't fixed it yet.


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What is current Position (number)?

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What is current Position (number)?

submit your business details on the ???100+ TOP US CITATION SITES ??? to boost your google places listing for $38

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that's great service ,
i am new on Seocheckout looking forward to start career here ,
Thank You

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Well, I really need this one! I will try it asap to get my service "HQ". This is so true that "Most buyers are afraid to buy your service unless they see a ton of positive reviews. "
Thank you Jordan for this amazing feature !

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Hi Jordan, I just submited a ticket for one of my services, how many times can I submit? I have another services I want to prove!
Thank you,

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We've added a new "High Quality" services listing which contains services that have been proven to work. Only a manual staff review can get your service listed here.

This thread is all of us to discuss the new feature, ask questions, etc.

Hi Jordan, I just submited a ticket for one of my services, how many times can I submit? I have another services I want to prove!
Thank you,

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Just a thought, Could you possibly add a redirect in the registration and login page for affiliates. This is so affiliate store users can add sign in and registration links to there stores and redirect to the referrer after signup or login. The user could then click the link on the store, signup on official Seocheckout and be redirected back to the affiliate store to continue browsing.

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Thanks! I have just submitted a ticket.

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I am a Level 3 user, and i have got 100% positive review, can i get this facility from

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I am a Level 3 user, and i have got 100% positive review, can i get this facility from

Any user can get their service staff selected, you just need to prove to a Seocheckout staff member your service works like the way you describe it in the service description. High Quality Services

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What i have to do for that?

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What i have to do for that?

Submit a ticket following the steps located here any tickets that are submitted incorrect will be ignored. High Quality Services

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New members can participate here ?

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Is there a reason it closed?

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I am a bit disappointed by Seocheckout because I want to sell my services at a bit lower price.
But because of Level 1 terms and conditions. I am unable to..

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can i get Staff Certification for this service >>>
this is a good service for get human verified High Quality Google+ Circle !

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I am a bit disappointed by Seocheckout because I want to sell my services at a bit lower price.
But because of Level 1 terms and conditions. I am unable to..

You have to level to level 2, see here

can i get Staff Certification for this service >>>
this is a good service for get human verified High Quality Google+ Circle !

It has been closed. No more services can be staff certified. And you were supposed to send an email to the help desk, not post it here anyways.

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I am a bit disappointed by Seocheckout because I want to sell my services at a bit lower price.
But because of Level 1 terms and conditions. I am unable to..

Rules are the same for everyone. We all had to struggle to reach higher levels and benefits that come with them. High Quality Services

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Rules are the same for everyone. We all had to struggle to reach higher levels and benefits that come with them. High Quality Services

Agreed. I learned the hard way. Remember the Disputes w/ Jordan I used to have in the FAQ back when they were JUST Implementing the Level System?

When I first signed up. There were no Level Restrictions. NONE. I had funds that were available one day, and I was about to withdraw them, when suddenly, they Implemented the Level System, and my Funds went back into "Pending". So I went off on Jordan about how my Life wasn't a Video Game *LOL* - 8 Months Later I was on seocheckout's Staff. Good Times.

Now I'm a Level X5 Seller and the Top Affiliate (I think):
High Quality Services
Maybe I can be a Living example to any of you who have gripes about User Levels. There's a reason for everything.


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It's a great idea... Cheers!!

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