
Open beta starting tomorrow

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Open beta starting tomorrow

The new version of Seocheckout will be completed today and open for beta testing. If you are interested in beta testing, please let us know by responding here. We'll convert your account over and you'll be able to use the new version a few weeks before it is actually released with all of the new features. There is currently 63 updates and new features added to this new version of seocheckout. These will all be listed in detail once the official theme is released.

What we expect if you beta test

  • You should report any errors or bugs you find. No matter how small or inconsequential or if you think someone else may have already reported it, please report it again. This includes bugs (functionality does not work), grammar, spelling, broken images, broken anything and anything else that looks or feels odd.
  • Bug reports should be detailed. Please report the page you are on, what you were doing, what browser you were using and any other pertinent information. Sending a one line bug report is not what we expect.
  • You should not suggest new features. We are at the end of the new version and will not be adding new features until after the official release. Features are full-blown new additions that are currently not there (that would involve significant programming and design time).

  • You should become familiar with the new version using it often and visiting every page you can click.
  • Please send us your general opinion of the new version once you have used it for a period of time. Do you think it looks better or worse than the old version? Do you like the responsiveness (iPhone/iPad/Tablet/PC/etc) adaptability? Do you think it will convert better or worse? What doesn't look good or should be changed (don't send features, pure cosmetics here please)?
  • Send bug reports by entering a helpdesk ticket or emailing - make sure you put "The New Seocheckout - Bug Report" as the subject.

Your account can be converted or a static IP address can be converted if you are a member of a team with multiple accounts.

Please respond here to be converted.

EDIT 9-4-2013: Suggestions about how the new theme look are perfectly acceptable and should be submitted. Please submit anything cosmetically missing or which needs to be changed/added or even looks odd/out of place.


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Looking forward to the new website Open beta starting tomorrow

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CANT WAIT!!!!!!!!!!

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Count me in jordan Open beta starting tomorrow

Username : vinayaka

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Waiting gona end now. Convert my account to new seocheckout

Username : vinothmech.

Awaiting your reply Jordan. Excited to see the 63 Updates.


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Convert my account too!

Username: imelvyn

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hit me when ready...

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@jordan I was already waiting for it since past few weeks. I will realy like to be a beta tester and report errors or bug if any. Cheers

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I would like this beta tester to be on my account i would like to help on serching for bugs and for telling you how good new theme is ..
I hope it will be even better then old seocheckout..

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Can't wait now dude hihihi I'm so excited :cool:

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I am willing to be a beta tester for the new seocheckout, i will report all the bugs and odd things (if any).

You can convert my profile to V2, i am looking forward to it. Cheers!

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Count me in jordan Open beta starting tomorrow I love working for Seocheckout !

- Sunil Bishnoi

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Let Me See

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Can't wait to see your hard work I'd love to beta test.

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Sorry I forgot to add username : sunil0021

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I'm in. Open beta starting tomorrow

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count me as well username=waji12345

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Please add mine too. I am very willing to help =) I am actually waiting for this.. :cool: My username is: maranathabuton

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I'm in!! I was waiting for this!
Username: aleqyanhovik

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Please add me

User Name: Nikitaparu

Open beta starting tomorrowOpen beta starting tomorrowOpen beta starting tomorrowOpen beta starting tomorrowOpen beta starting tomorrowOpen beta starting tomorrowOpen beta starting tomorrowOpen beta starting tomorrow

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Hi Jordan..

I want in too! Open beta starting tomorrow My username : kosala1212

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I've waited a long time for this Open beta starting tomorrow
please convert my profile also : cyberxcrime

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I'll be very happy to test the new theme and report you any bug, if any.
Username: SEOExpert

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add username :crystygolf5

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I would love to help beta test the new version, please change me over.
Username: roblcd


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Add me

Username: AnConnor

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I'd like to join this... very happy

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really excited to see that.
add me to : shaarx


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Please count me in as a Beta Tester! :cool:
Excited to see the new features...

Username: Spiderwave

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Convert me as wellOpen beta starting tomorrow

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Everyone who has replied until this point has now been converted. I hope you like the new look and feel.

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Everyone who has replied until this point has now been converted. I hope you like the new look and feel.

Thanks for the Beta!
It really rocks...

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I am looking forward to try beta version.

Username : stelaseo

Awaiting your reply Jordan. Excited to test new Updates.

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I am looking forward to try beta version.

Username : stelaseo

Awaiting your reply Jordan. Excited to test new Updates.


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I'd like to test the new beta version of seocheckout, too. Thank you.

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Count me in, sounds promising.
Username - jkservice

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Its really nice!simple yet powerful...checking for bugs...;)

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Will be sending Bug Reports in a bit =) Also screencaptured everything that (I think) seems odd.

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Count me too
user : sapart

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I got beta tested on my account and all i can say you Jordan Well Done Site now has lot lot more options for buyer to trust the seller and to choose the best seller in here ....
Thumbs up for the changes and till now no bugs found.. Open beta starting tomorrow

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Yeah, i'm too waiting for the new seocheckout, please convert my account so that i can check it out.

Username: Sharooqhussain

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Thanks God its Completed Me and Jordon Worked hard for the New Version of Seocheckout hope you all will like it,
ME = > :cool:
Jordon =>:eek::mad:Open beta starting tomorrow

Username: bobbolger

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Amazing design, so cool. I really liked it, thanks Seocheckout staff for this! Best staff ever Open beta starting tomorrow

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I'd just like to say that the view switcher is so awesome! and 99.9% of everything is working great good job Jordan.

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Everyone who has replied until this point has now been converted. I hope you like the new look and feel.

Look Really Very Awesome Open beta starting tomorrow

but disadvantage for the buyers because you removed RATING or STAR or SELLERS name from gig which shown on marketplace or profile....buyer need to open every gig for seeing gig review or stars or sellers name it's really hard to know which gig have good rating and stars...

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Hi Jordan thanks for give us new Seocheckout Beta as test purpose. Please add me with new seocheckout.

User: ajlancer

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Look Really Very Awesome Open beta starting tomorrow

but disadvantage for the buyers because you removed RATING or STAR or SELLERS name from gig which shown on marketplace or profile....buyer need to open every gig for seeing gig review or stars or sellers name it's really hard to know which gig have good rating and stars...

Yep I agree. But then, Jordan said no suggestions for now. hehe =)

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good edit ever..thank ful for it..

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Username : Bobbolger

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User name: tommymarcinek

Sure, count me in!

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Count me in.
Username : Rubbish

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Everyone has been added that has replied since my last update to this thread.

I'd just like to say that the view switcher is so awesome! and 99.9% of everything is working great good job Jordan.

Which one do you like best? I love the table view TBH and that was almost the default Open beta starting tomorrow

Look Really Very Awesome Open beta starting tomorrow

but disadvantage for the buyers because you removed RATING or STAR or SELLERS name from gig which shown on marketplace or profile....buyer need to open every gig for seeing gig review or stars or sellers name it's really hard to know which gig have good rating and stars...

Hmm, the reason for the reduction in data was that there was too much information and it looked crowded. However, the rating is there (thumb-up/down). Star was just the calculation of the thumb-up/down and redundant which is why it was removed. The seller name is there too, it is the first item in the meta data. Unless I'm looking at the wrong spot (marketplace listing, normal view). Let me know and keep sending in your ideas/changes/suggestions.

Yep I agree. But then, Jordan said no suggestions for now. hehe =)

Those are cosmetic changes (not feature requests) and these are more than welcome so send them on! Open beta starting tomorrow If anything cosmetic is missing in the old and you feel it should be there, let me know. Or if you feel something in the new shouldn't be there or looks odd, send it on. If enough people agree, it'll get changed/added.

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Just reported an issue regarding responsive design Open beta starting tomorrow please check your Email !

- Sunil Bishnoi

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@JD - i don't know if it's only me but i can't see the residence country for each user. The flag icon is missing from their profile.

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Thank u Jordon , Great Design

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Please sign me up, i will give feedback and do everything you listed.

username: yesson2012

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Everyone has been added that has replied since my last update to this thread.

I like the thumbnail and table best the table view is not to chunky and can fit enough data in to read "Also I've never been that keen on many images" Open beta starting tomorrow That's also another good thing about the new design I noticed you replaced quite a few things that used to be images with css and html what boosts the load time.

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Looking great and yet I do not see any bug. Seems to complex theme for new user.

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Oh! I think thumbnail view is better as default view.

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My user name is sspseoservices, i am waiting for your new features. I am really excited. When i will seen this changes?

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WOW! I'm waiting eagerly for it. My username is: seocenter

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i would love to test the new seocheckout! username: ANYTHING2DO0121 THANKS! THIS IS GREAT!

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Everyone added since my last post until now that has requested it.

A Note on Bugs
We've received a lot of bug reports, thank you all for sending these in and keep sending them in. These are currently being routed to me by our staff and I'm going through them as fast as possible (fixing those that I can on the fly, recording those that will take time). Having said that, it may take a bit of time to respond to these but I will respond eventually.

Keep sending in the bug reports and thank you for your amazing testing efforts!

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Hey hook me up, excited to test the new site. Open beta starting tomorrow

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Yes this is awesome. I love it!

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All added who responded from my last reply until now.

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looking forward on this.. i hope there will be a feature where we can chat or see easily who are online so we can purchase faster for urgent matters

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Hi Jordan,

I am desperately waiting to see new website with excellent theme along with cool update which is done by you.
convert my profile to new seocheckout.

username: theonealy

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welzapseo is my id convert me thanks

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JOHNAC is my id and I will be glad to be converted.

Thank you

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All added from my last reply until now.

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convert my account please
username : onlineforyou

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am interested.
account : ykayiwa

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why i can't use new version of ?
please admin. make it possible that i can use it.

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i am also available ........
> "expertsteam"

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Look Forward To See This
Please Add Me In New Version

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Everyone added from last reply until this one.

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convert my account
username : mahmod1989
i cant wait :*

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Everyone added from last reply until this one.

Still wait Open beta starting tomorrow

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Please count me in

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Sign me up Jordan:

ThxOpen beta starting tomorrow

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When someone purchases a gig, seller doesn't get the alert. Alert only comes when buyers update the purchase with a comment.

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Pls add: seoconsul

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Pls add : cheapbacklinks

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im very interested in this!

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finally i have got latest version of seocheckout

thank you JORDAN.

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Looking forward to the new website

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username : smartservices76

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Just refreshed, looks really nice!

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Respected Sir,


"Cancel this delivery?" is add on feature to save seller, when Delivered was made on accident.
With regards,

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my god ,it is very beautifull ,buy why i can't find the country for seller?

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What is Recommendation can you explain please

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Nice working system and design, but to close to fiverr´s.

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Beautifull new interface, and more functional! Open beta starting tomorrow

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You can revert to the old version in your settings area.

IMO, the old look looked old. Like a non-professional 1990s style website and I'm sure that turned off buyers.

Fiverrs new style is a green mess that doesn't look anything like this new version IMHO. This new look is based on Twitter bootstrap though so there may be other similar looking sites.

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The beta is closed as we are now live. Read about the new features here:

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