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We're very proud to announce the addition of 'Recent Ratings' on your profile page. Just another way we are working hard to improve your Seocheckout experience.
For buyers, the 'Recent Seller Ratings' feature will make it easy to pick a good seller by letting you see at a glance what other customers have to say about that particular seller. After all, a positive rating is social proof of good work! And, the more positive ratings and feedback a seller has, the better your results will likely be.
Of course, we want to provide a fair and balanced view and so for this reason we are including negative ratings as part of the 'Recent Ratings' feature. Being able to read negative feedback from other buyers will help you make a more informed purchasing decision. If you like what you see, you'll only need to click on the 'Learn More' link under the feedback to check out that service.
For the seller, having all these positive recent ratings listed on your profile will help you earn more sales too. And, rather than having your most recent positive ratings and feedback buried on a service page somewhere, now they are proudly displayed for the world to see. That should translate into more earnings for you.
Just another good reason to refer your potential buyers directly to your profile page.
Have you ever wondered what a particular buyer would be like to work with? Now you can find out more about your buyer before accepting a job, just by checking out a 'Buyer's Recent Ratings'.
Please visit your profile page to see how this update affects you. Let us know what you think about this new feature.
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Wow, Seocheckout is always best for me. I like seocheckout. It is so nice update for seocheckout, Now it is easy to check buyer rating also.
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Of course, we want to provide a fair and balanced view and so for this reason we are including negative ratings as part of the 'Recent Ratings' feature. Being able to read negative feedback from other buyers will help you make a more informed purchasing decision. If you like what you see, you'll only need to click on the 'Learn More' link under the feedback to check out that service.
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Very Good work, I saw the update from few days.
As a seller I like no scammers here, Because there is no option to leave negative comments , other than make as a recmendation and give your negative :-( , However this step will help other sellers and buyers to keep this clean.
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We're very happy you all are enjoying this feature. We have another exciting announcement of a new feature today and I'm sure some of you might have already noticed it. Please check out this forum for a new announcement soon.
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It sounds good to me. I completed my task Fast but I have to wait 22Day this is not fair.
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Recent buyer reviews is not a good thing to display.
For sellers who sometimes outsource the jobs to other sellers on Seocheckout itself, will never leave a review on their services.
They dont want their clients to directly contact other sellers.
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