
Orders that go into late delivery

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Orders that go into late delivery

Hey Clerks Nation,

We have been receiving many complaints from users due to late delivery. Many are requesting orders to be force canceled and are stating that they do not wish to use our website any longer. This issue affects not only the reputation of our websites, but all of the buyers, sellers and affiliates.

We have come to the conclusion that the only way to resolve this issue is to add a force cancel option for buyers after an order is more than 24 hours late. If this occurs there will also be negative feedback added to the service.

Before this in enacted, we want to know if anyone else has a better solution.

Any suggestions?


We have also given thought to adding a tab in the order for the buyer to simply notify admin. This would generate a help desk ticket that a staff member can look at and make a decision on a case by case basis.


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Negative Feedback Should Be Avoided

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For me it's not a good idea. There are many buyers who become unresponsive before the deadline and giving everyone an option to cancel late delivery instantly, wouldn't be good. Especially after 3/4 of work is already done and a seller is waiting for some additional required information from a buyer.

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I was okay with it but after reading point of MQSS even i feel there are many orders where buyers donot respond to us by that it means if we have delivery of 10 days if he replies after 7 days we have 3 days left for whcih we have 10 days time given so it is not seller mistake in that case it will be quite wrong so ..
For me i will advice this option can be given for buyers for there experience of buying can be good : But seller negative feedback because of it should not be counted for it ..
They should get refund of money that is what they want but negative feedback should be avoided...

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Hi Seocheckout family!
As a buyer I agree about late delivery, I had this issure a lot before... BUT as a seller I had a lot of customers whos asked me to do my work more slowly and I did and that was a reason for late delivery!
I think that maybe the option of cancel order with negative feedback may be work!

Great Regards,

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This is the problem with sites like Seocheckout and Fiverr. It seems you like to completely disregard the sellers and mainly focus on the buyers. Without the sellers you have no services. Without the buyers you have no profit. The first thing someone looks at on this are the reputations of the sellers. Negative feedback should be avoided at all costs.

As Fivercraze said, sometimes you can have buyers who take +-3 days to respond to a service that delivers in "X" amount of time then you are only left with the remainder to complete the order that may or may not result in bad work by the seller. Whilst at the same time still taking in additional orders to complete.

It almost ALWAYS seems on this site that the admins prefer to work with the buyers and disregard the sellers.

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Would be nicer if you add an "Extra Fast" or "Express 24 Hour Delviery" feature instead this. My buyers always complain, even if i deliver on time. If the delivery time is set to 5 days, they start begging me to finish it sooner. When the delivery time is back to 2 days, they want a refund if i am only a few minutes left.

The only solution that would solve this is to add an Extra Fast delivery feature so we can increase the delivery time to 7+ days and if someone needs it sooner, if they have the money, they will have it delivered faster. At the end, what you pay is what you get.
All other Micro Job websites have implemented this and i consider Seocheckout to be the best of them, but we still miss this feature.

P.S. I am sure that some of my clients contacted you about late delivery, but some buyers want to split which increases the delivery time. Seems like when they ask for extra work (i consider splitting an extra work), they are not thankful for doing that, that's why i will not allow anyone to split my services anymore. This will decrease late deliveries by 80%.

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This happened to me today. I've had a buyer that was canceling my order because I needed more then 15 minutes of delivering...

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Negative Feedback Should Be Avoided

I agreed with you

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seocheckout Now perfect, No need new change.

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Honestly many of the negative responses are irrelevant. The thread was started regarding a decision for penalizing ORDERS MORE THAN 24 hrs LATE. I have never had an order start (the countdown) before the buyer submitted their instructions. I have had buyers that take 2 days to submit instructions because sometimes the instructions may require an article to be written or what have you, and the clock starts when they submit.

Also, to make complications less frequent, you could always include the "buyer instructions" at the bottom of the page you advertise and give the info for your particular service. That way a buyer understands what they need to submit even before the order is placed.

Worst case scenario, the buyer actually submits incomplete info. Don't start the job, and if they take too long to respond, ask for a mutual cancelation and message them explaining you could be penalized for an order being late. This will CYA if the the buyer agrees to continue the job. You could then explain to Seocheckout support the issue (if one occurs) and because you have proper documentation, the staff at Seocheckout will work it out. They're pretty understanding. Orders that go into late delivery

Im completely for the idea of being penalized for orders MORE THEN 24 HRS LATE because there are ways to avoid this. When I first arrived at Seocheckout I was looking to inflate a couple of Twitter and Instagram accounts and the first buyer I chose was late on delivery. More than 24 hrs. Im a calm person but after 24hrs of a delivery being late and the seller saying things like, "Bro I am trying to work on it our servers are jammed", was very unprofessional and pissed me off. Then I go to another seller that promised all real looking profiles and he gives me 80% eggs.

All in all there needs to be rules because humans will take advantage of whatever they can. Not all, but some, and they screw it up for everyone else.

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In some cases, it might be nice to have the option for the buyer and seller to mutually agree to extend the completion deadline.

In some cases, I wish the seller had done a better job of specifying exactly what the buyer is to provide at the start of the order so i could have it prepared ahead of time. Then I could place the order, supply the info, and move on to other projects. The better I prepare my requirements and data, the better job the seller can do.


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For me it's not a good idea. There are many buyers who become unresponsive before the deadline and giving everyone an option to cancel late delivery instantly, wouldn't be good. Especially after 3/4 of work is already done and a seller is waiting for some additional required information from a buyer.

I also constantly get unresponsive buyers or simply buyers who do not provide the correct information which drags out the order to being late without it in any way being my fault. I would say almost all orders that become late for me are due to the buyer in some way.

I think a lot of buyers would abuse this option and simply let orders get late to take their money back after an order is half completed. I would certainly be extending all delivery times a lot. Having negative feedback mixed in I think isn't right to do. This would mean that every single buyer that abuses this and takes back their money will also result in the seller losing money, having to do work for nothing and then finally negative feedback for no wrong doing.

I think making the mutual cancellation time shorter would be a better option before something like this.


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Karoshio there are 4 pending orders from me that has been flagged as late all you need to do is send license and attach product. Why are you late with this no excuse,

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Service time shouldn't even begin counting down until ALL information is received, and the order has officially begun. I completely agree with having the option of forced cancellation AFTER being 24hrs late, as I just recently had to cancel an order because of that very reason, which hasn't went through yet, I might add.

Being a Seller of writing services and such, I feel it would be of more benefit for the seller to request an extension of the deadline, by having a check box available for the buyer to click, and have it mandatory for the Seller to provide a reason to the Buyer. This way the Buyer is fully understanding of the reason given and it shows prove of them being ok with it.

Having said all that, I also feel a significant change needs to be made to the Seller`s who fail to Login for several weeks, as this could be part of the problem as well. People order services from Sellers who haven`t logged in for a LONG time. Having these services no longer showing after a specific period of time would demolish that end of it anyways.

There are many Sellers on this site who are Buyers as well, and expect the same courtesy and type of service they, themselves provide their clients. How many Sellers have shook their heads because of this very reason? Are you being treated the same way as you treat your own customers, in respect to communication and etiquette? If you're not, then there's a problem.

I'm for the forced cancellation and providing the feedback when absolutely necessary. However if you guys should decide against this, then you may want to consider re-vamping your support, because these matters are going to have to be dealt with in a timely manor, especially when it comes to inactive listing issues.

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Why don't you add something like "Extend delivery date after talking to both buyer and seller." ? by the way negative feedback can be avoided.

- Sunil Bishnoi

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Negative feedback is not a good idea. It will get sellers down and they will lose trust level.

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I don't think that it will work. Negative rating should be avoided. Most cases orders get late due to inappropriate conversation between worker and buyer. Some times some technical problems cause the seller to deliver late.

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I don't see the point in giving automatic negative feedback for being late. I've bought services here on SC that were late, but the final product was satisfactory and I had no issue with it and I ended up giving them positive feedback because they deserved it for good work.

Life happens and a seller can be late for any number of legit reasons, but they shouldn't automatically get negative feedback because of it. When I see glowing multiple positive feedback comments for a seller on other microjob sites, and the only negatives are "seller failed to deliver on time", I see it as unfair to the seller who appears to be otherwise doing a great job. They aren't trying to scam anyone...they just need a bit more time.

Please don't turn Seocheckout into those "other" sites. They don't always get it right...

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I don't think that it will work. Negative rating should be avoided. Most cases orders get late due to inappropriate conversation between worker and buyer. Some times some technical problems cause the seller to deliver late.

Agree currently my 4 orders are late due to no informations. what if the users give me negative review ? they don't even provided me details.

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Personally, I have a "satisfaction guarantee". If the buyers aren't satisfied, I offer them a full refund. (When I deliver the order.) Besides that, I always tell my clients that they can get a full refund AND the service for free if I'm late. (Well, if I'm 24+ hours late.)

Actually, NONE of my clients have given me negative feedback because of this, but I bet many of them will, if such an option exists. People like to click on buttons.. So a big fat red button saying "GET YOUR MONEY BACK NOW!" would be bad.

However, I do believe Seocheckout have to do something about the late deliveries.. Because it hurts the reputation. Most buyers understand that life happens but some might not give a rats a** about it and take advantage of something like this.

Perhaps a 50% money back guarantee on 24 hour late deliveries instead? Without the negative feedback? That would "benefit" both the buyers and the sellers. Even though a seller will loose money (the other 50%), they'll still get some for the work they've done. Negative feedback is still something any buyer can give you, at anytime, as soon as you've delivered your service. Sellers shouldn't have to be afraid of the fact that negative feedback wil be given automatically for running late. At least, that's my opinion.

That said, if a buyer provides incorrect information at first, so you can't start working on the order & the delivery time has start running, you can suggest a mutual cancellation yourself. Just to make sure you'll be on time. In case the buyer provides the correct details when some of the time has passed, it could be great with a "extend delivery time" option instead of the cancellation.

That way, the sellers wouldn't be forced to loose the customers as they are when they suggest a mutual cancellation.

Just my thoughts.


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I don't see the point in giving automatic negative feedback for being late. I've bought services here on SC that were late, but the final product was satisfactory and I had no issue with it and I ended up giving them positive feedback because they deserved it for good work.

Life happens and a seller can be late for any number of legit reasons, but they shouldn't automatically get negative feedback because of it. When I see glowing multiple positive feedback comments for a seller on other microjob sites, and the only negatives are "seller failed to deliver on time", I see it as unfair to the seller who appears to be otherwise doing a great job. They aren't trying to scam anyone...they just need a bit more time.

Please don't turn Seocheckout into those "other" sites. They don't always get it right...

This is it! Orders that go into late delivery

Seems like it's slowly turning like that "other" site. I was on that site for 3 years and 1 year ago, they started complaining about the services i provide. I completely moved here and now after a year, yesterday i had like 5 services with over 800+ positive feedbacks in total removed without any notice. And guess what? One year ago on the "other" site i've been waiting for the support to answer me almost 2 days. Now, i contacted support on Ionicware to see what's going on and there is still no one is replaying. I am getting asked by clients why i stopped providing the service and i don't know what action to take. If i resubmit those services, it would take months to build up that feedback, but why? Would it get removed later? If this continues the best would be to pack my stuff, there is no other option left. I simply hope that this is not going to happen.

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I can understand why something needs to be done as I'm sure HD is rammed with buyers complaining about things being late.

I put my hands up and admit that sometimes I am late but rarely without good reason.

The option to immediately cancel the order from the buyer side if it's late might be more of an incentive for sellers to get things cleared on time- I guess that also increases the risk of fraud in some ways though.

Personally, and I think every seller agrees, that a negative is unfair. For example, buyers who choose to leave a negative because something was delivered late isn't really a fair reflection on the specific service etc.

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Let delivery always not occur due to seller. Some times buyer did not fill all order requirement for seller. That is why seller need to wait for buyer response after inform about requirement issue and sometimes buyer response delay and need to wait 2-3 days. So this responsibility why have to apply only on seller? And negative feedback not solution any way. Normally Seocheckout TOS insist very much for buyer rights.
I think negative effect any way not good solution. Yes if buyer see order delay and he has to ability to cancel forcefully if seller not response any way. That can good idea. But featured should active after 2 days from delay date.

And seller lose both way if buyer intentionally use this option force cancel in mid time of works.
seller lose money and he has to receive negative rating as well. I mean first money loser then reputation loser. And ultimately seller lose his business. What benefit of Seocheckout if seller move to any way? I have been working here from start of the seockkers. We see lots of ups and down as seller. So please do not apply another disappointing option against seller


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Personally, I have a "satisfaction guarantee". If the buyers aren't satisfied, I offer them a full refund. (When I deliver the order.) Besides that, I always tell my clients that they can get a full refund AND the service for free if I'm late. (Well, if I'm 24+ hours late.)

Actually, NONE of my clients have given me negative feedback because of this, but I bet many of them will, if such an option exists. People like to click on buttons.. So a big fat red button saying "GET YOUR MONEY BACK NOW!" would be bad.

However, I do believe Seocheckout have to do something about the late deliveries.. Because it hurts the reputation. Most buyers understand that life happens but some might not give a rats a** about it and take advantage of something like this.

Perhaps a 50% money back guarantee on 24 hour late deliveries instead? Without the negative feedback? That would "benefit" both the buyers and the sellers. Even though a seller will loose money (the other 50%), they'll still get some for the work they've done. Negative feedback is still something any buyer can give you, at anytime, as soon as you've delivered your service. Sellers shouldn't have to be afraid of the fact that negative feedback wil be given automatically for running late. At least, that's my opinion.

That said, if a buyer provides incorrect information at first, so you can't start working on the order & the delivery time has start running, you can suggest a mutual cancellation yourself. Just to make sure you'll be on time. In case the buyer provides the correct details when some of the time has passed, it could be great with a "extend delivery time" option instead of the cancellation.

That way, the sellers wouldn't be forced to loose the customers as they are when they suggest a mutual cancellation.

Just my thoughts.


Yes I agree with you. I too mention in the delivery page that "Apologize me if you are not satisfied I will refund you" Because as a seller rating is more important for me than money. But late delivery affect buyers in some time as well. They may be a reseller so their reputation is affected by these late delivery. So I prefer partial refund based on the late delivery. Will Milestone feature solve this problem?? If the worker feels he can't deliver in time He will get the money for the work he done.

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Hey Clerks Nation,

We have been receiving many complaints from users due to late delivery. Many are requesting orders to be force canceled and are stating that they do not wish to use our website any longer. This issue affects not only the reputation of our websites, but all of the buyers, sellers and affiliates.

We have come to the conclusion that the only way to resolve this issue is to add a force cancel option for buyers after an order is more than 24 hours late. If this occurs there will also be negative feedback added to the service.

Before this in enacted, we want to know if anyone else has a better solution.

Any suggestions?

Their should be a penalty of amount for late delivery. Like per day late fees for sellers and that amount can be given to buyer as refund. This will help keep buyers happy and they won't leave any negative feedback as they get refund of amount.

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Negative rating should be avoided

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Would be nicer if you add an "Extra Fast" or "Express 24 Hour Delviery" feature instead this. My buyers always complain, even if i deliver on time. If the delivery time is set to 5 days, they start begging me to finish it sooner. When the delivery time is back to 2 days, they want a refund if i am only a few minutes left.

The only solution that would solve this is to add an Extra Fast delivery feature so we can increase the delivery time to 7+ days and if someone needs it sooner, if they have the money, they will have it delivered faster. At the end, what you pay is what you get.
All other Micro Job websites have implemented this and i consider Seocheckout to be the best of them, but we still miss this feature.

P.S. I am sure that some of my clients contacted you about late delivery, but some buyers want to split which increases the delivery time. Seems like when they ask for extra work (i consider splitting an extra work), they are not thankful for doing that, that's why i will not allow anyone to split my services anymore. This will decrease late deliveries by 80%.

Well i think this is the best idea, if buyer want there order to completed on priority then pay extra and there order will start on priority. in this way the seller will get the best clients and i think both will be happy buyer and seller.

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I put my hands up and admit that sometimes I am late but rarely without good reason.

That's my point though. GOOD sellers will still be late, but with a good reason. BAD sellers will be late because they are bad sellers. Giving BOTH good and bad sellers the same negative feedback penalty when one has legit reasons and the other doesn't is just wrong and unfair.

That's the biggest problem with marketplaces that put rules in place to curb scammers, fraud, etc, is that they cast too large of a net and ultimately good people get caught in it along with the bad.

I'm all for catching scammers and bad sellers, but common sense needs to be used as well. It's really not that difficult to tell a bad seller from a good one, but penalizing good sellers to stop bad sellers is not the way to do it.

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Personally, and I think every seller agrees, that a negative is unfair. For example, buyers who choose to leave a negative because something was delivered late isn't really a fair reflection on the specific service etc.

It depends really. What if you bought a service, and you depended on a timely delivery because you, yourself had a deadline you had to meet? Is it acceptable to be OVER 24hrs late and not meeting the deadline?

As I had already stated...

  • Service time shouldn't even begin counting down until ALL information is received, and the order has officially begun.

  • Have a check box available so Sellers could request an extension on the deadline. The Seller MUST give reason for extension. Once received by the Buyer, then it will be up to them if it's acceptable or not. The duration of this period, the countdown to the deadline should be paused until it is accepted or declined. This ensures communication with the client PRIOR to the deadline.

  • A change needs to be made to the Seller`s who fail to Login for weeks or months, as is part of the problem. Ordering services from a Sellers who haven`t logged in for a LONG time happens often. Hiding their services until the next Login would diminish this.

  • If the circumstances of being late with your delivery are out of your control, due to a computer problem or what not, you should have to deal with it right away by contacting the buyer AND support from another computer, to avoid being dinged. If you know it could take a week to fix the issue, then you know you have to deactivate your listings and contact the necessary people, if your have orders waiting.

  • If after all that, you still get negative feedback, you should be able to get support to investigate it, then have it removed. There should be no questions asked.

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As both a buyer and seller I have to agree that many sellers are simply being unresponsive and getting by with late deliveries simply with an apology and/or incentive. I do however agree with the alternatives previously mentioned by other Seocheckout members such as:

Would be nicer if you add an "Extra Fast" or "Express 24 Hour Delviery" feature instead this.

Definitely agree, Fiverr has this option and we should too!

you could always include the "buyer instructions" at the bottom of the page you advertise and give the info for your particular service. That way a buyer understands what they need to submit even before the order is placed.

Makes sense, sellers should know what the terms upfront not after submitting the order.

I also constantly get unresponsive buyers or simply buyers who do not provide the correct information which drags out the order to being late without it in any way being my fault.

100% agree with this statement! I love my customers but some just either don't read the instructions or fail to follow them as outlined. I think sellers should have a "reject order" option if the seller orders and either doesn't provide proper details as per the order instructions or within a specified time.

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I think its ok with one another option, There must be pointed out that this negative feedback due to late delivery.
  1. Positive feedback
  2. negative feedback
  3. negative feedback due to late delievery

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I think its ok with one another option, There must be pointed out that this negative feedback due to late delivery.
  1. Positive feedback
  2. negative feedback
  3. negative feedback due to late delievery

I do not agree with you. Negative feedback is negative effect. If it will impose on seller, overall Seocheckout will loser. Because seller is the half part of importance for Seocheckout business. This feature only give importance for buyer. Any way you can not ignore seller business. You can give other right for buyer to refund money? But why it is need to give rights to buyer by damaging seller business?

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If Seocheckout impose this feature on sller. I think to avoid this horrible effect all seller must to go extend expected delivery time. E.g. Which previously one day and for same service now 5 days. And if buyer see for a simple work expected delivery too long. I think he should discourise to buy. So ultimately who loser? I think should seocheckout

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Why it is need to give rights to buyer by damaging seller business?

So, should it be completely acceptable for a Seller to be over 24 hrs late when delivering an order?
There's all kinds of BS negative feedback which probably shouldn't exist, however in saying that...
What should be the cut off time when it should matter? When should the Buyer get up in arms about the issue?
If not over 24hrs late, then should it be 36 hrs? 48 hrs?

Deadlines are put in place for a reason because the buyer needs something to go by, as well as the seller.

It's the same as ordering a pizza for delivery...
Domino's tells you, you'll get your yummy and delicious pizza within 45 minutes!
You think "YES! Damn I'm hungry! I can't wait!"
You have your money waiting by the door, anticipating the gooey cheese and all the toppings...
45 minutes just past, and you're assuming the place is booming this evening because it hasn't arrived yet. You're taste buds are tingling as you're fantasizing about eating it ...
An hour goes by; your stomach is growling.... Then another half an hour, and you start wondering... "Where in the hell is my pizza? I'm perishing away to nothing!!" You begin calling about your delectable delight, inquiring it's location...

You see the headlights of the delivery guy's car almost two hours after putting in your order. He hands you the now cold, not so yummy pizza... You pay him the money, grumbling all the way....

Would you think that was acceptable?

A system needs to be put in place where it's fair for both buyer and seller. Making communication a necessity in order to be successful at your business. If you need further instructions from buyer, have an option to put the countdown on hold, while you're waiting for responses...

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The thing is about honesty,understanding.I am a seller of Seocheckout and a buyer too.Thats why I can feel a seller.Any order can be late and i never cancel late orders.Because I dont want that someone lose money or get hurt because of me.Sellers always try their best,I know and accident can happen anytime it doesn't mean you'll cancel order after 50% or 80% work done.We all should keep in mind that all buyers are not good.Some of them are scammers and want to get services free intentionally.seocheckout need good and honest sellers and buyer.Sellers should respect buyers and buyers should respect sellers too.My point is,buyers and sellers powers should be equal.seocheckout should give 100% same value to both buyers and sellers.

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The thing is about honesty,understanding.I am a seller of Seocheckout and a buyer too.Thats why I can feel a seller.Any order can be late and i never cancel late orders.Because I dont want that someone lose money or get hurt because of me.Sellers always try their best,I know and accident can happen anytime it doesn't mean you'll cancel order after 50% or 80% work done.We all should keep in mind that all buyers are not good.Some of them are scammers and want to get services free intentionally.seocheckout need good and honest sellers and buyer.Sellers should respect buyers and buyers should respect sellers too.My point is,buyers and sellers powers should be equal.seocheckout should give 100% same value to both buyers and sellers.

You are touch of my heart. Really I completely agree with you

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Hey guys,
I have seen some very good suggestions. There are legitimate circumstances where orders may end up being late. The problem lies with the orders that go into late delivery and there is no communication from the seller as to why or any kind of update on when the service will be delivered. This is taxing for help desk and hurts everyones reputation.

We have also given thought to adding a tab in the order for the buyer to simply notify admin. This would generate a help desk ticket that a staff member can look at and make a decision on a case by case basis.

I am trying to look at this situation from the buyer and seller perspective to make things "fair". Please take a moment and think about them from a staff member perspective. What would you tell an irate buyer if they submitted a help desk ticket about an order being late and they have not received a single response from the seller and now they have to wait 48 hours to receive a refund.

In the end, we have to have a solution for this problem.

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This is a bad decision.
There are many works like some site developement, SEO and even social services that take time of more than 24 hours and once we complete the work after 24 hours, thr buyer may simply force cancel the order and will get his money back.
A lot spamming will be done if this implements.

This should not be applied.

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I can definitely see why something needs to be done so I hope we come to a decision that makes everyone happy.

Admin doesn't want to be answering to the same complaints all day, buyers don't want to receive anything late and sellers don't want to be left vulnerable to scammers.

I honestly think that getting a refund AND leaving a negative for late delivery of a campaign is very one-sided and just puts too much power in the hands of the "not so honest" buyers out there.

I guess the idea here is to give a big enough incentive for us sellers not to EVER be late.

There's some pretty good ideas above- How about providing an option for the buyer to force cancel +refund an order when it runs over the deadline but without the negative?

The option to leave a positive or negative should remain whenever we deliver.

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Love the idea, this will make it easier for us buyers to cancel orders that the seller isn't replying to.

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Love the idea, this will make it easier for us buyers to cancel orders that the seller isn't replying to.

Having read this statement, there should be a certain amount of time set before a Buyer can cancel because of this reason, as they Seller could be working on the order at that time. Not every Seller or Buyer has communication when an order begins.

I'm a Seller and a Buyer.
As being a Buyer of Seocheckout services, I take the "Expected Time Of Delivery" into consideration. Technically that is when the order needs to be received, hence the reason for this thread.

Sellers do have lives outside of this forum. They do not live on their computers day in and day out. Sometimes they go out for a few days at a time without turning toward their work. If the Seller isn't responding in a quick enough manner, as viewed by the Buyer, and it hasn't gone past the "Expected Time Of Delivery", I don't think that is particularly fair.

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There is a set amount of time. EricElliott posted about it in the original message.

We have come to the conclusion that the only way to resolve this issue is to add a force cancel option for buyers after an order is more than 24 hours late. If this occurs there will also be negative feedback added to the service.

You can only do this after the service is late and it has been 24 hours after the deadline has passed.

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In my personal experience, it's not reasonable to allow a negative feedback due to lateness. I'm designing logos. Sometimes buyers do not respond to my messages till the deadline. And then they request for changes. Some buyers request for modifications again and again. Because of that I think allowing an automated negative feedback will dilute the sellers reputation.

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Having read this statement, there should be a certain amount of time set before a Buyer can cancel because of this reason, as they Seller could be working on the order at that time. Not every Seller or Buyer has communication when an order begins.

I'm a Seller and a Buyer.
As being a Buyer of Seocheckout services, I take the "Expected Time Of Delivery" into consideration. Technically that is when the order needs to be received, hence the reason for this thread.

Sellers do have lives outside of this forum. They do not live on their computers day in and day out. Sometimes they go out for a few days at a time without turning toward their work. If the Seller isn't responding in a quick enough manner, as viewed by the Buyer, and it hasn't gone past the "Expected Time Of Delivery", I don't think that is particularly fair.

Good point but I meant the force cancel/refund option should ONLY be available when the order runs over the delivery deadline- definitely not before that time though.

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Whatever is decided, please let us know at least 4 or 5 days in advance in case we need to work things out with clients before the changes come in.

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Whatever is decided, please let us know at least 4 or 5 days in advance in case we need to work things out with clients before the changes come in.

Communication is key. Sellers and Buyers should be made aware well before the change happens. Like a couple weeks in advance. Even a mass email to everyone as soon as it's decided upon Orders that go into late delivery

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Why don't you add something like "Extend delivery date after talking to both buyer and seller." ? by the way negative feedback can be avoided.

- Sunil Bishnoi

Indeed, this is a good Idea. Do you have any idea for the orders which the buyer reject the delivery after logging in when deadline is passed.

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I do not agree with you. Negative feedback is negative effect. If it will impose on seller, overall Seocheckout will loser. Because seller is the half part of importance for Seocheckout business. This feature only give importance for buyer. Any way you can not ignore seller business. You can give other right for buyer to refund money? But why it is need to give rights to buyer by damaging seller business?

Sorry Sir, I agree with you.

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In my view "All revenues are generated with quality services provided by seller if he is scammed by few buyers then due to his negative rating it doesn't effect him only but we should know that they are the mirror of Seocheckout and ultimately effect the business of this seo family "So, there most be more brainstorming before implementing this changes.

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100% Refund with Negative Feedback Seems like Survival for Fittest for Seller;

As I have seen Reaction of Many Users,
I am Also Agree with that negative Feedback Should be Avoided.

Buyer should have Option for FORCE CANCELLATION in which they will get 100% refund Instantly Without any Negative Feedback (Order Should be Closed there with CANCELLED status), this Seems to be Relevant.


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I agree with your idea @shaarx,
but we also have to remember, they can only Force Cancel it 24 hours after it is late. So this means that they took all the time they were given + 24 hours and still didn't deliver or get it completed. So a Negative Rating after all of that would be reasonable.


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So a Negative Rating after all of that would be reasonable.

IF they were a seller trying to scam someone, yes, but the whole point of this debate is that many times a GOOD seller will have a legit reason for being late, so they should NOT automatically be given a negative rating JUST because they were late. Otherwise, good sellers with good quality services get inadvertently caught in that net.

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From my point of view adding negative feedback is not a good idea.Mutual cancellation is the only way and its really good but in late delivery cases in most of the cases sellers are not responsible because buyer in most of the cases failed to provide the correct information to start the work and if we ask for the correct information than buyer provide us the information and it will take time and order is automatically late.
and from my point of view the solutions will be if a order is cross the Dead line than after 24 hours please put one option for the buyer than he can contact with the administrator and discuss about the late delivery.

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Negative feedback is not right idea as many sellers may not be able to deliver service due to complexity of some micro jobs. If the Buyer is not ready to wait any longer than the time frame then An auto cancellation of the order can be set which avoids extra order managements from buyer and seller and Admin. Cancellation should revoke within 24 hours if the buyer accepts for further delays he needs a button to do so. If buyer thinks the let the order get cancelled with 24 hours then his money can be refund to his account.

Why is this idea benefits Both Buyer, Seller and Admin?


He need not wait any longer than the time frame for the order to be manually managaed.
He gets money back by default settings
He can approve Seller with in 24 hours for further delay


He is force to stick the time frame that he offered in GIG otherwise he knows that order will get cancelled automatically after 24 hours of late delivery.

He needs to request buyer for extending time frame and give updates on the progress, but buyer decides whether extension.
He will loose reputation for a single late delivery.


Need not work on late delivery tickets.
Can save time to other areas of site issues

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Negative feedback should be avoided

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the person who gives late delivery take his gig down

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negative feedback is not a good method, late delivery is occurred if the communication is not appropriate and if any issue in the seller panel.

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Negative feedback should be avoided, but I am in favor of force cancelation by buyer after 48 hours

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I don't think it fair to focus only on the seller.
In my case I did a design job sent to buyer, he said he wasn't satisfied and I spent time to do a revision and he still cancelled on me.
Now he has my job and I still get no pay.
Pls also but the seller into consideration. Maybe ther can be an option to pay seller. Like. %60 instead of total cancellation.

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cancel option for buyers should be added.

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As a buyer I think seller's are also same important for Seocheckout Website.
So from my point of view, if a seller get negative feedback then they get disappointed & even lost their interested for the website.
So, Both are important part for the website & his reputation.

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I purchased order recently and the delivery date is June 8th that's 8 weeks to deliver that's absurd, I tried to cancel but the seller refuses to cancel I contacted support and they have failed to rectify the issue, now I am filing a chargeback at my bank and contacting the BBB and filing a report at I gave both the seller and this sites support staff ample chances to rectify the issue. So a instant cancel option is needed a bad seller should not have the option to decline a cancellation request, hasnt anyone ever heard that the customer is always right! I asked to cancel multiple times and the seller responded he would get to it on his time. Who takes 8weeks to deliver? I can build 4 web sites in that amount of time it takes this guy to produce.

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I purchased order recently and the delivery date is June 8th that's 8 weeks to deliver that's absurd, I tried to cancel but the seller refuses to cancel

This is why you need to look over the service description before ordering, which is on the left hand side of the page. It clearly states the expected time of delivery. When you put in your order, the seller and Seocheckout is under the assumption you are fine with all the stipulations regarding the listing.

I contacted support and they have failed to rectify the issue, now I am filing a chargeback at my bank and contacting the BBB and filing a report at I gave both the seller and this sites support staff ample chances to rectify the issue.

This doesn't make sense as to why you would do that. No one has ripped you off, and you will receive your order within the allotted time given. Contacting the above before you even receive your product is absurd and could get you banned. The seller chose that time frame to ensure the quality of the service and product.

So a instant cancel option is needed a bad seller should not have the option to decline a cancellation request, hasnt anyone ever heard that the customer is always right!

Bad seller? In this case, I believe you didn't read over the service listing description, as you would have clearly noticed the 8wk time frame for delivery. Oh... And no, the customer isn't always right because the buyer needs to thoroughly read over the service to know exactly what they're getting and when they're suppose to get it.

I asked to cancel multiple times and the seller responded he would get to it on his time. Who takes 8weeks to deliver? I can build 4 web sites in that amount of time it takes this guy to produce.

There are sellers, such as myself, who believe it takes TIME to deliver QUALITY work. I would have responded in the same manner, as you need to give the person the time to do it right. The seller could have read this very thread, and made the decision to increase his time, because no one wants to get negative feedback for being late.

You can build 4 websites in that amount of time?
Maybe so, but you should have considered that when putting in your order. It's not the sellers fault you chose NOT to read the description fully.

I'm in full support of the buyer, however they too need to take responsibility for their actions and discretion's.
I hope the seller provides you with the best of the best when the delivery date is up Orders that go into late deliveryOrders that go into late delivery

Good luck!

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I purchased order recently and the delivery date is June 8th that's 8 weeks to deliver that's absurd, I tried to cancel but the seller refuses to cancel I contacted support and they have failed to rectify the issue, now I am filing a chargeback at my bank and contacting the BBB and filing a report at I gave both the seller and this sites support staff ample chances to rectify the issue. So a instant cancel option is needed a bad seller should not have the option to decline a cancellation request, hasnt anyone ever heard that the customer is always right! I asked to cancel multiple times and the seller responded he would get to it on his time. Who takes 8weeks to deliver? I can build 4 web sites in that amount of time it takes this guy to produce.

Buyers who can't read what they are buying (including the delivery time), and then complain about it, are "bad buyers". It has nothing to do with the seller. You didn't get ripped off at all. Nobody actually stole your just have to wait, like everyone else waits to receive their order.

If the seller fails to deliver by June 8th, THEN you can reject the order and get your money back for non-delivery of the order. Anything before that is just whining.

It's the same as hiring a contractor on a "per job" basis, rather than hourly. They may be a little slower than others, but can do a better job because they aren't rushed by deadlines. They take the time to get it right. I actually prefer to have the job done well the first time, rather than just faster.

seocheckout isn't a drive-thru at McDonald's....

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I purchased order recently and the delivery date is June 8th that's 8 weeks to deliver that's absurd, I tried to cancel but the seller refuses to cancel I contacted support and they have failed to rectify the issue, now I am filing a chargeback at my bank and contacting the BBB and filing a report at I gave both the seller and this sites support staff ample chances to rectify the issue. So a instant cancel option is needed a bad seller should not have the option to decline a cancellation request, hasnt anyone ever heard that the customer is always right! I asked to cancel multiple times and the seller responded he would get to it on his time. Who takes 8weeks to deliver? I can build 4 web sites in that amount of time it takes this guy to produce.

Buyers with this mentality screw up Seocheckout and should be banned! Low lifes, I swear! Why would anyone want to screw over an SEO. I never leave a negative feedback for the reason that SEO's have the power to make or break you online. Haven't people ever heard of negative SEO? I would never use it due to my strong belief in Karma but not everyone thinks like me. This person better watch who they piss off.

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Hi @EricElliott
I suggest that, order that go into late should be NOT listed in index until seller complete the order.
Buyer often buy from high level seller. The more order in progress, the later they deliver. It is not equitable
for NEW seller to sell his service. Although new seller can provide higher quality service and deliver on time.
If seller can not deliver on time, they have to increase his "time to deliver". Negative feedback is not a good idea but
some other change is good. As said above, I suggest that the order in LATE >24 hours is not listed in index until it completed.
Many seller above said that Seocheckout is not need to change, they said that because they are afraid of losing many order.
One of my buyer has said that: "Delay on Seocheckout is usual". I am very sad when hear that. I think seocheckout
should make some change to be the best ever.

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Hi @EricElliott
I suggest that, order that go into late should be NOT listed in index until seller complete the order.
Buyer often buy from high level seller. The more order in progress, the later they deliver. It is not equitable
for NEW seller to sell his service. Although new seller can provide higher quality service and deliver on time.
If seller can not deliver on time, they have to increase his "time to deliver". Negative feedback is not a good idea but
some other change is good. As said above, I suggest that the order in LATE >24 hours is not listed in index until it completed.
Many seller above said that Seocheckout is not need to change, they said that because they are afraid of losing many order.
One of my buyer has said that: "Delay on Seocheckout is usual". I am very sad when hear that. I think seocheckout
should make some change to be the best ever.

I actually have a job with someone that is 2 days late. I am not happy with this seller. I will not leave a negative feedback but will get my refund. If a seller can't deliver on time he/she should either:

A). Extend their delivery time

B). Not take the order and explain why

C). Mark your service as "Sold Out"

There is no excuse for late delivery.

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I actually have a job with someone that is 2 days late. I am not happy with this seller. I will not leave a negative feedback but will get my refund. If a seller can't deliver on time he/she should either:

A). Extend their delivery time

B). Not take the order and explain why

C). Mark your service as "Sold Out"

There is no excuse for late delivery.

I agree with you. If seller can not deliver on time, he should extend time to deliver. 2 months ago, I made an order to buy 35k twitter follower, seller said that he deliver in 1 DAY. I bought that service and wait 1 day, 2 day, 3 day...hurry him and finally he deliver the order AFTER 10 DAYS. My buyer ( I am reseller) has cancel the deal and I lost money. Orders that go into late delivery

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I agree with you. If seller can not deliver on time, he should extend time to deliver. 2 months ago, I made an order to buy 35k twitter follower, seller said that he deliver in 1 DAY. I bought that service and wait 1 day, 2 day, 3 day...hurry him and finally he deliver the order AFTER 10 DAYS. My buyer ( I am reseller) has cancel the deal and I lost money. Orders that go into late delivery

I am in the same boat my friend! I am a reseller and deal with local clients in my city. It is terrible when it's late and I have told my customer to expect their delivery at a certain time.

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There is no excuse for late delivery.

Some Sellers have good reason for late delivery (not on a constant basis), in which case, if the Seller needs an extra 5 days to complete the order, then they should be able to put in a request to the Buyer, where there would be a tick box that the buyer can click on to approve an extension on the Expected Date Of Delivery; therefore not marking it as a late delivery at all.

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Some Sellers have good reason for late delivery (not on a constant basis), in which case, if the Seller needs an extra 5 days to complete the order, then they should be able to put in a request to the Buyer, where there would be a tick box that the buyer can click on to approve an extension on the Expected Date Of Delivery; therefore not marking it as a late delivery at all.

That is a great idea. Some reasons are good and some are inexcusable. Like the circumstance I am dealing with. I gave the buyer instructions as soon as the order was placed (US facebook likes) and the buyer hasn't delivered. What is probably happening is the person is running a FB campaign and is not getting the results they expected because it has been 2 days since the delivery was marked as late and the seller has not even messaged me.

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That is a great idea. Some reasons are good and some are inexcusable. Like the circumstance I am dealing with. I gave the buyer instructions as soon as the order was placed (US facebook likes) and the buyer hasn't delivered. What is probably happening is the person is running a FB campaign and is not getting the results they expected because it has been 2 days since the delivery was marked as late and the seller has not even messaged me.

One thing that people should consider is, perhaps your Seller is a Re-Seller as well... They could very well be waiting for their Seller to come through on their order. If there are any server issues on the re-selling end it could slow things down a bit. Even though some re-sellers don't want to admit to their customers that they are re-sellers, they gotta come up with some

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No please, because it will help buyer , and too much loss for provider. because many big order late

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the key is communication.
shit happen sometimes.
we can't predict it.
seller may deliver their order usually within 24-48 hours.
but they got a problem and can't deliver the order in time sometimes.
seller must contact the buyers about it even the seller have completed 3/4 of the order.

lets say, its not seller fault about the late delivery, example due to youtube updates etc, but the order still late.
so its seller duty to inform their buyers about it.

i suggest to decrease seller level for bad customers support not only in order page but also in message.

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i suggest to decrease seller level for bad customers support not only in order page but also in message.

I actually agree with this. I think that sellers who do not communicate with the buyers effectively should be demoted. I know if one of my orders are going to be late beforehand, so I inform my buyer before it goes into "late delivery"

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Hey guys,
I have seen some very good suggestions. There are legitimate circumstances where orders may end up being late. The problem lies with the orders that go into late delivery and there is no communication from the seller as to why or any kind of update on when the service will be delivered. This is taxing for help desk and hurts everyones reputation.

We have also given thought to adding a tab in the order for the buyer to simply notify admin. This would generate a help desk ticket that a staff member can look at and make a decision on a case by case basis.

I am trying to look at this situation from the buyer and seller perspective to make things "fair". Please take a moment and think about them from a staff member perspective. What would you tell an irate buyer if they submitted a help desk ticket about an order being late and they have not received a single response from the seller and now they have to wait 48 hours to receive a refund.

In the end, we have to have a solution for this problem.

Oh, I understood what you thinking exactly now. The problem isn't simple order late, but also late + ignore. And the buyer had to wait another 48 hours for full refund. So to be fair, the seller who is late and still ignore buyer, the buyer may have the option to force cancel the order right? If yes, then I agree. In contrast, if the order only late but the seller responding to buyer but the option still available to buyer, then I strongly disagree.

I have another idea without using the force cancel method and it may be easier for both sellers and buyers. The idea I shared before but no one cares. This is the idea: (Only my post, don't look at others)
That idea is handy for buyers so buyers know the status, also handy for the staffs so the staffs know the buyer was adding false adjectives or really innocent. Both buyers and staffs don't even have to wait for the seller response regarding the order status since already stated by seller.

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Average delivery time should be added...

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Average delivery time should be added...

That feature has already implemented.
Orders that go into late delivery

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OOOO... Sorry.. I am new here, so I did'nt know... If it is, Then I think its no nedd to show late delivery on profile...

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I am buyer for now order one gig which is already 3 days late.
I think instead of neg review it is better to show late delivery in percentage to next buyer so that next one will be know about it..

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Well as buyer i would not support negative feedback. If a seller is 48 h to late well, a nice option to cancel the order and refund the buyer should be enough. :-)

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Negative Feedback Should Be Avoided

Totally disagree, Negative should be there. people who are in-active over 21 Days should have their selling account closed, meaning when they sign in they can start selling again but if they are in-active for 21 days their gigs stop showing.
Please like, I think this is a super Idea.

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Negative Review is a danger signal, it reduce the selling power. Thus it should be avoided.

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i think its not so nice because when i sell something and the Buyer dont send me the informations that i need i get a bad feedback and its really not my fault.

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As a buyer i find it extremly irritating that the seller cant deliver on time, so some form of negative feedback for a bad service is more than fair.

Im a buyer here on Seocheckout and a seller on fiverr so i see it from both sides, the way i sort out the scammer buyers is by telling them how i do it, if they order my service im in charge not them! if i in some rare cases cant cancel the order as a seller, because they dont allow it, i simply ignore them and let the order run out, i do not have time for crap.

But as a seller i allways deliver on time and within the frames of what my service provide, we have to understand that fiverr and Seocheckout will attract those who thy to scam and get free stuff.

Out of my completed orders i have only had 2 bad buyers, and i think its because i make sure to only take orders from buyers that sound normal and reasonable, new buyers allways contact me before ordering wich helps me sort out the bad buyers, so maby that would be a great way to do thinks here on seocheckout, insted of a buy now button, all buyers need to message the seller first, and maby an option for the seller to add a buy now button for a known buyer that the seller trust. its a win for both seller and buyer.

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...i make sure to only take orders from buyers that sound normal and reasonable.

I like that sentence. There are so many buyers with unreasonable expectations, or sometimes language barriers, that it's just not worth the hassle for a couple of bucks to deal with them. I've had orders that my gut instinct told me were going to be a problem, and it's usually right.

A couple days ago I had an order for traffic where the buyer kept refusing to give me their URL after repeated requests by me for information, as that is the only way I can start an order. I can't setup a traffic campaign if I don't know where to send the traffic. The buyer was a problem right from day 1, so I happily cancelled the order and got back to the business of dealing with serious buyers who aren't jerking me around.

Most buyers are fine, but if someone seems like they are wasting your time or trying to get something free, then it's best to cut them loose and more on to someone better.

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Negative feedback has a great impact on selling. Always try to gain positive feedback for good the selling.

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Always try to deliver the work before or on dead line to get the positive review.

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I like that sentence. There are so many buyers with unreasonable expectations, or sometimes language barriers, that it's just not worth the hassle for a couple of bucks to deal with them. I've had orders that my gut instinct told me were going to be a problem, and it's usually right.

A couple days ago I had an order for traffic where the buyer kept refusing to give me their URL after repeated requests by me for information, as that is the only way I can start an order. I can't setup a traffic campaign if I don't know where to send the traffic. The buyer was a problem right from day 1, so I happily cancelled the order and got back to the business of dealing with serious buyers who aren't jerking me around.

Most buyers are fine, but if someone seems like they are wasting your time or trying to get something free, then it's best to cut them loose and more on to someone better.

you have said it all, a seller should not allow a buyer to damage the reputation you have created over time. the best thing as you said is to just cancel the order and move on. time is money.

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Negative review put a bad impact on business.

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sure, topclasseo. it can as well demage what you has struggled to put over the years and evn make potential buyers lose truth.

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It not a smart thought for me too on the grounds that if an aggressive dealer who was the same action as you, can arrange your administration and hold up until the due date is very nearly come to and afterward submit obliged points of interest for the request to begin then the merchant would not have enough time to complete and convey request and after that the focused vender will simply give his cash back and have harmed your evaluations on your service.

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There may be a better way to handle this. check last message
  • If it is sent by seller & buyer is not responding then there should not be option for instant cancel the order.
  • If last message is sent by buyer & seller is not responding then buyer should be given option to cancel the order.
  • In case the order is canceled by buyer then there should be option to raise a ticket by seller(May be he/she have done some part of work & could not continue probably due to some issue/reasons).

I hope this will work

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many buyers not responded

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Negative feed back means fake service and try to avoid it for better result.

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On time delivery is the good relation between buyer and seller. Keep it continue.........

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Negative feed back means fake service and try to avoid it for better result.

A negative feedback does NOT always mean a fake service!!!

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For the following scenarios, I'm only talking about orders which have not gone beyond deadline. If an order goes over deadline, the buyer should have the option to cancel as the job was not completed on time or the buyer and seller can make arrangements as needed for more time if required.

  • If last message is sent by buyer & seller is not responding then buyer should be given option to cancel the order.

How much time should be allowed for a seller to respond to a specific message? What if the seller only checks their messages once a day and the buyer is wanting an instant response such as within seconds or minutes of sending the message? Many Seocheckout sellers and buyers live a world apart. My daytime might not be the same as yours and I might be asleep when you are awake. For this reason, there should be adequate time given to sellers to respond to messages before drastic steps are taken or allowed.

If the seller has ample time to deadline, he should be able to respond as soon as he is available to do so. And, so long as that seller is providing periodic updates to the buyer, then the buyer should not be in such a rush to cancel.

The buyer knows going in, when the deadline will be and the seller has up until the deadline to submit all work. When the buyer makes a purchase from that seller, they are agreeing to that deadline. And, even if they want the work done faster, there is nothing to compel the seller to comply.

That should not be considered a legitimate reason to cancel an order.

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A negative feedback does NOT always mean a fake service!!!

But I Really Agree Negative Feedback Is FAKE Services

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But I Really Agree Negative Feedback Is FAKE Services

Then you would be wrong, but we can agree to disagree Orders that go into late delivery

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But I Really Agree Negative Feedback Is FAKE Services

Sometimes a buyer will become spiteful for one reason or another like when they don't receive more than you promised and will leave a negative review. And, who can stop them from doing that?

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Sometimes a buyer will become spiteful for one reason or another like when they don't receive more than you promised and will leave a negative review. And, who can stop them from doing that?

That I mean, that your GIG quality ,buyer satisfaction is no 1

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Just divide it into 2
Honest buyer and Scam buyer..
Divide seller into 2
HOnest Seller and Scam Seller

Not all sellers are scammers. Not all buyers are scammers. It will all depend on the individual and you must make the judgement based on the individual.

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Just divide it into 2
Honest buyer and Scam buyer..
Divide seller into 2
HOnest Seller and Scam Seller

Agree, Sacmmers will live every where

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Some Sellers have good reason for late delivery (not on a constant basis), in which case, if the Seller needs an extra 5 days to complete the order, then they should be able to put in a request to the Buyer, where there would be a tick box that the buyer can click on to approve an extension on the Expected Date Of Delivery; therefore not marking it as a late delivery at all.

I wonder why they have not implemented this idea, it would be really good. Just think of all the times a seller might have an unexpected family emergency that delays their being able to finish a job on deadline. For those situations, being able to request a deadline extension would be ideal. This would prevent misunderstanding between buyer and seller, which can happen if an order goes over deadline.

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I agree with this except adding negative feedback to the service
Sometimes, there are critical reasons that the seller might have

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That I mean, that your GIG quality ,buyer satisfaction is no 1

LISTING quality (not gig because this is seocheckout, not Fiverr) isn't all about "Buyer satisfaction". It's about thorough communication AND cooperation from BOTH Buyer and Seller to ensure the best quality of services possible.

THAT is what proper business is about. Period.

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I am not with this new feature. This is really a very easy way for my competitor sellers to down my sales...

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I order a service and its delivery date was 7th of May but it is still in process, I contacted seller and asked when will he complete it. He replied "asap". He still doesn't know when is he able to finish. There should be a rule to follow or payback if cannot deliver in said time.

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I order a service and its delivery date was 7th of May but it is still in process, I contacted seller and asked when will he complete it. He replied "asap". He still doesn't know when is he able to finish. There should be a rule to follow or payback if cannot deliver in said time.

Hello shahid amin ,

If seller is delivering late and giving no reason you can simply reject order or send him mutual cancellation and get 100% refund also you can guarantee reject after the deliver if there is an option for that . You can still contact him to complete the order in given time or else send him mutual cancellation .

Farah khan

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They did help with this matter. Thanks for help.

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They did help with this matter. Thanks for help.

Help desk is a very quick way to get an answer for your questions.

There's someone available on help desk around the clock, so you won't have to wait long for help.

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how i know that the client already pick a seller ? plz anyone help me out

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Negative feedback should be avoided. Here QuidTask shared a good idea about "Extra Fast" or "Express 24 Hour Delivery" feature. I agree with him.

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