
Level X Promotion

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Level X Promotion

Hey Clerks Nation,

Join us in congratulating ericplotz1 for being promoted to level X.

Being promoted to level X is no small task and ericplotz1 has been a valuable member of the Clerks Nation and has built a good reputation. He also promotes Seocheckout in other areas including social media.

Congratulations ericplotz1!


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Congratulations @ericplotz1!!

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Congrats @ericplotz1 Level X Promotion you got level X too earlier, can you share your promotion methods with all members here Level X Promotion

- Sunil Bishnoi

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Congrats @ericplotz1 ,
Enjoy being amongst the top rated guys.
Have a bright future ahead. Level X Promotion

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Congrats @ericplotz1
Welcome to Level X world Level X Promotion

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Congratulations ericplotz1 and best of luck

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I too would like to be on that level one day Level X Promotion

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Congratulation ericplotz1

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Congrats @ericplotz1 Would love to join the Group .. hope Team will look towards me too Level X Promotion

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Thank you all for the congrats! You are far too kind. @EricElliott Thanks brother!

@sunil0021 I'll be starting some threads soon as my affiliate store is up Level X Promotion In short, I have a few Fan pages with an Iframe, but I just noticed FB is blocking the link that was working and now is not. If anyone has a solution for FB not accepting any of the links let me know. I have youtube videos promoting seocheckout. I have also blogged about seocheckout, tweeted, and referred some of my local clients who didn't want to spend the money and what I am charging, so I show them seocheckout. Also I have purchased a service from @exjordanary that is helping learn how to gain more affiliates. Build relationships with the right people. I only have 6 affiliates but check this out:

Level X Promotion
So I plan to keep heavily promoting. I have purchased 3 EMD's for affiliate stores, all getting 20,000+ monthly searches at low comp, low first page results, etc.... Did an extensive KW research and Im ready to start building. It's just that time of year when everyone wants to build a website and I am slammed with business right now. I am on it though

Thank you everyone again for your congrats, they are greatly appreciated and motivating. Level X Promotion


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Congrats @ericplotz1 . Welcome to Level X community Level X Promotion

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congrats@ ericplotz1
my dream was to reach level x. now i am trying my best
my best wishes to you

Keep working hard @Henrykevinrose . You will acheive the position soon. Wish you best of Luck!!

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Congratulations @ericplotz1 Level X Promotion

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Good job and congratulations!

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Congratulations @ericplotz1!

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I am wondering how will I get Level X in near future.

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congratulations bro ericplotz1......
1 day i will be there........
best wishes to you..........

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Congratulations @ericplotz1 !!! AWESOME!!!

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Congratulations ericplotz1 ...... Level X Promotion

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Congrats @ericplotz1

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Congratulations @ericplotz1

- Syed Bahadur Shah

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Congrats, @ericplotz1, welcome to our Level X community! Level X Promotion

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Congratulations @ericplotz1!

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Congratulations bro , i hope i also am gonna reach that level someday Level X Promotion

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@ericplotz1 ...
You will need to write your success story and create an "Ask Me" thread!!
Let me know, as I would like to read Level X PromotionLevel X PromotionLevel X PromotionLevel X PromotionLevel X Promotion

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@ericplotz1 ...
You will need to write your success story and create an "Ask Me" thread!!
Let me know, as I would like to read Level X PromotionLevel X PromotionLevel X PromotionLevel X PromotionLevel X Promotion

Most definitely will, I am so busy right now with local clients. I just put an ad on craigslist to hire someone. Level X Promotion On top f attempting to get my affiliate store going. Also trying to build a portfolio to post on another site in which I am joining forces with another level X here. I will definitely post something soon. Level X Promotion


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Congratulations Dear!

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Ok so it looks like the comments slowed down a bit and I will answer a common question here. First of all, THANK ALL YOU GUYS FOR THE CONGRATS!

It seems that many of you want to know how to be level X. @klo1029 @softnwords @guitarmafiax @Henrykevinrose @LadyinSaree @Vivadh

1. Do you promote Seocheckout and attempt to gain affiliates?

2. Have you promoted Seocheckout on your social networks? I know some of them block the URL (I'm sure this will change in the future)but that is the importance of an affiliate store.

3. Do you have an affiliate store?

4. Have you authorized Google authorship and made your self a "contributor to" Seocheckout in your Google+ profile. @jordan actually did a thread on it here. It explains how to easily link your Google plus profile to seocheckout.

Become active in the forums and post valuable content. This doesn't mean raising your post count with one sentence posts. Give answers, ask questions, and interact. Most of all, show that you care about the marketplace and the future of seocheckout.

Other then that keep pushing and producing great service for the clients that visit this platform.

Hope this helped Level X Promotion Namaste

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Congratulations @ericplotz1!

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Everything stated above is the only way to reach Level X.

You can read all the information about user levels here.

Level X:
  • Must be Level 3 or greater
  • Should be an affiliate
  • Should have social pages representing you here
  • Must get noticed by Staff

As you can see, @ericplotz1 has mentioned everything within this list. However, "must get noticed by staff" does not mean submitting tickets to the support and asking them for Level X upgrades. Do what's explained above and the staff will notice, sooner or later. It's a matter of time, determination and willpower. Good luck to all of you and once again, congratulations @ericplotz1!


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I'm trying to get Promotion Level X as soon as possible & this is a Really Excellent Idea.
Great Thanks EricElliott.

This is exactly what I meant when I said don't just post anything lol Please don't spam the forums. Level X Promotion What idea did Eric Elliot give you in this thread?

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Congratulations dear Level X Promotion

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Everything stated above is the only way to reach Level X.

You can read all the information about user levels here.

Level X:
  • Must be Level 3 or greater
  • Should be an affiliate
  • Should have social pages representing you here
  • Must get noticed by Staff

As you can see, @ericplotz1 has mentioned everything within this list. However, "must get noticed by staff" does not mean submitting tickets to the support and asking them for Level X upgrades. Do what's explained above and the staff will notice, sooner or later. It's a matter of time, determination and willpower. Good luck to all of you and once again, congratulations @ericplotz1!


Start helping people who ask Question in the FAQ. That's how I became Level X (and I wasn't even trying to be Level X).

Jordan Noticed a Post of mine that I wrote to help another User, and BAM- I became Level X.

Not to mention that my name was also "Jordan" - so my suggestion would be to GET A NAME CHANGE!!

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Congratulations mate !!

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Congratulation @ericplotz1 for the X Level ;)

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Congrats !!! Level X Promotion

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Congrats @ericplotz1 ,

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I want to achieve the level x promotion. What i have to do? please guide me.....

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Congratulations !!! i want to be Level X too.
Im wondering how how we can Upgrade Levels Thank you !

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congratulation.. Level X Promotion

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Hey Clerks Nation,

Join us in congratulating ericplotz1 for being promoted to level X.

Being promoted to level X is no small task and ericplotz1 has been a valuable member of the Clerks Nation and has built a good reputation. He also promotes Seocheckout in other areas including social media.

Congratulations ericplotz1!

Congratulations ericplotz1

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I am not getting order Level X Promotion

This is not the place for your negativity. Work harder, change your services, research markets, and find services. Stay positive. Your thoughts manifest. The Universe is for ever abiding to your thoughts and emotions. Your emotions are your guidance system. This does not mean you should base your thought off of the way you feel. The way you feel tells you whether you are thinking on the right path or not.

When you think about how you are not getting orders, how do you feel? Probably pretty bad. That is your emotions telling you that you are thinking the wrong way. So reverse it. Tell yourself 1000 times a day, "I am thankful that I am going to make money today". Be thankful for the things you have. Do not think of the things you don't have. Picture yourself having everything you want and feel thankful and full of gratitude. Your thought process has a major influence on the universe.

So if you say things like "I am not getting order". The Universe says "OK your wish is my command" and thats exactly what you get, NO ORDERS. Start setting small goals and accomplishing them, but before you accomplish them start getting in the habit of willing it to happen. So tell yourself, "I am going to accomplish this ________ today" And then do it. Make sure it's doable. This way you start training your mind to correlate with what you want in life and when the two are in sync, the Universe begins to provide.

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USA Traffic

Don't spam the forums. Do you honestly think anyone is going to buy a service from a spammer?

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Hey Clerks Nation,

Join us in congratulating ericplotz1 for being promoted to level X.

Being promoted to level X is no small task and ericplotz1 has been a valuable member of the Clerks Nation and has built a good reputation. He also promotes Seocheckout in other areas including social media.

Congratulations ericplotz1!

Anyone became level X always got posted in the Announcements?

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Anyone became level X always got posted in the Announcements?

Only some of the users who become level x get announced in the forums.

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Congratulations @ericplotz1

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Congrats @ericplotz1

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