
Would love to have option "Store Closed" on Seocheckout

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Would love to have option "Store Closed" on Seocheckout

Long ago i thought it would be nice to have feature on our store settings to close store and disable all sales in one click. For example we want to have weekend off, or going on holiday for a while and instead marking all services as "Sold out" or "Suspended" is time consuming and could be confusing for our customers. If services are suspended then they are not visible to buyers at all and they could think you discontinued your sales, which can produce big time loss. So perhaps instead "Sold Out" logo we could have "Store Closed" with date of reopening and it would be very good feature i guess.

Please share your thoughts about this!!!


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This is a very good suggestion. I did think for a long time that you could just tick all the boxes on in your service list and simultaneously disable them all whenever you had to take a break or if you where about to go on Vacations etc. However, I've realized that sellers with more than 2-3 or 4 services, sellers with perhaps 10-15 or even 20 services will have to manually mark all these services one by one, and that's just unnecessary when you can have a "Closed" option instead. One click of a button and all your services will be disabled. That's actually a good idea. Seocheckout should really consider this option.

Best Regards,

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I agree that it would be a good idea. I have several services and so it is quite time consuming to suspend them all, not to mention the messages that I would still start getting from clients who ask why they cannot order as the service link is not working. This happened to me before and some clients ended up confused. So to avoid this, since there is no "closed" feature as you suggested, I put up a status message and email it to followers so as to inform them to please place orders as from the [and enter a date] as I will not be available.

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Hi anweb I think it is really good suggestion as 'Store Closed' option on has to active on Seocheckout by one click when you are absent or something else for few days. But I think Seocheckout still has option for Sold out. If you unable to deliver such service, you can mark as sold out. And I think it may similar with 'Store closed'. Though sold out option has to mark individually for specific service. ?Store closed may good one instead sold out by one click. I think there has to active more option like vacation status on service, email notification status after get back seller etc. I think Jordan will note it.

Thanks by Ajlancer

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I think this would be a really good option. I am not a seller but I can see the logic in it and how it would make sense for sellers.

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