
Freelancers Tips, Tricks And Suggestions. What Would YOU Tell A New Freelancer?

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Freelancers Tips, Tricks And Suggestions. What Would YOU Tell A New Freelancer?

Most new freelancers becomes one without any true insight regarding the business. They read a lot of amazing success stories that inspires them. That is often why they begin their own freelancer journey. Due to what they've learned and read about and from other successful freelancers. The truth is different from what they've been reading..

It's not easy to become a successful freelancer, no matter who you learn from and no matter what you do. It takes two to tango and in this case, you're on your own. You need the necessary knowledge to gain experience and you'll be using that experience to move on to become an established successful freelancer.

Below I want us to give all new freelancers only one advice each. What to do? What to sell? How to think? etc. Share your experience, tips, secrets and knowledge. Name only one thing each time you reply so this FAQ can be filled with tons of valuable information!

As the starter of this I'll go first:

  • Don't let anyone tell you that you can't earn money online. You can. Anyone can. It depends on WHAT you provide and obviously.. HOW you do it..

Best Regards,


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- Don't get eager for money, you'll fall into traps if you do.
I know when I started I saw something that said "Get paid $550 a day to post ads!" and I paid $297 to learn how to place adsense ads. I want to punch my past self every time I think of this Freelancers Tips, Tricks And Suggestions. What Would YOU Tell A New Freelancer? Do you research before buying something, especially online courses to learn IM. You can most likely learn everything you need, for free, on a big forum or popular IM blog.

- Don't let people widdle you down for a lower payment.
So many of my "clients" wanted to get me down to a lower price. I always tell them "Sure! But I'm removing this, that and those if we reduce your payment." If they're worth it, people will buy.

- Don't advertise something you're not.
If you sell SEO, then sell SEO. Don't add on a service just because a client wants it. Learn new services on your own, don't use clients websites as test subjects. I've seen so many people put up a website for "Buy Twitter Followers" and such, but they had no clue how to do it and learned along the way. This only hurt them since they got negative reviews right at the start. Learn a system, then sell it. Or find someone selling a great service at a fraction of the price and outsource the work to them if they're reliable Freelancers Tips, Tricks And Suggestions. What Would YOU Tell A New Freelancer?

- Be patient!
Don't set up a website overnight and think you'll make $3,000 tomorrow. It takes time to establish a good client base, if you offer a great service, they'll keep coming back ;) My first couple of years in Internet Marketing I didn't make much money. It's probably because I had a normal 9-5 and could only spend a couple hours online before I fell asleep at my keyboard lol. After I got laid off I was doing 16 hours a day and puling in a good amount of cash, but those were the glory days when I could spend $2.25 per click on an SEO related keyword and make $30 on it. Not bad, but not anymore Freelancers Tips, Tricks And Suggestions. What Would YOU Tell A New Freelancer?

- Don't get complacent
Always be evolving and venturing out to find new revenue streams. So many times have I seen people in this industry get stuck on one website because it was making good money and then everything goes south and now they can't make anything online. They have to rely on their previous earnings to stay afloat and if they don't think of something before the well runs dry, they're screwed. Set up one website, get it profitable and somewhat automated with scripts or virtual assistants, then set up a second revenue stream and so on. I have about 20 websites up an running right now, all of them aren't profitable, but I hope they will be within the next year Freelancers Tips, Tricks And Suggestions. What Would YOU Tell A New Freelancer?

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Being a freelancers is definitely not as simple as some try to portray. One cannot think that since one is working from home he can relax, take it easy etc. To be a successful freelancer you need to be willing to work hard, be persistent, and above all, be willing to make some sacrifices. After a number of years of experience and dedication at work, you will start to do even better as you establish yourself and gain more loyal clients. If you focus on providing a really good service that exceeds the client's expectations, you can be sure of a success story!

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Another thing I would personally tell a new freelancer is: Take action!

It doesn't matter how many guides, reports or products you're buying. It doesn't matter how many hours you spend reading and learning. What matters is when you finally take action. From then, you will be able to execute what you've been learning and you'll gain experience by doing this. Go for it, start right now!

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I will be realistic. There is money to be made online, however, do you have skills to do so? can you be dedicated or have the patience to make money online. How long can you wait to see one buck? It took me six months to see one buck generated through ads on my blog? Do you have this kind of patience?
Secondly, you need skills. You can write does not mean you will earn, you need to know SEO as well. You also must have ability to do keyword search. Online writer is also an editor and marketer. YOu have to edit your works and market properly

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My advice is about money vis-a-vis the skills. If you don't have the expertise then you have to admit that you need time to improve your skills. I am into freelancing for 3 years but I still cannot consider myself an expert. With the money, the earnings is meager although it can be bigger as time passes by.

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My advice would be the following:

Freelancing needs skills and expertise
Work hard and smart at the same time
kill laziness, in freelancing it a no work business
Be good at what you have to do

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To new freelancers I would suggest starting your own Blog in any platform. Just be sure to pick a niche that you're really passionate about. Overtime build your authority and this would open a lot of doors.

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A good tip for new freelancers would be to make a list of online earning sites and freelance job sites then Google each one for scam reviews. Cross out all sites which has a low trust rating or those which are featured negatively in scam review sites.

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That kind of research you are suggesting is very good because it will truly help the newcomer to be on the safe side. I was lucky that I was not scammed before because when I joined the freelancing bandwagon, some writers have warned me about this and that site that do not pay. One friend was scammed of more than $450 in earnings that the site stopped paying when he was about to withdraw. That was really a painful experience for a new freelancer.

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