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Hi, I am a new seller.But I can not make any service. Why not? Please anybody tell me or help me please.
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While we appreciate your enthusiasm for working here with us at seocheckout, we are disallowing most if not all social media bids (and social media services) from new users - that is a user who has either a new account or one with very low overall sales. Also sellers with an extensive history of buyer/admin cancelations are likely to be refused the chance to list bids or services for Soundcloud, Facebook, Twitter and other social media.
In short, your bids were deleted during a daily moderation sweep. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you, but are taking this action as a result of numerous complaints against new sellers delivering social media related services. I was unable to find any deleted services, however there are four deleted bids, including: "I will give you00+ sound cloud followers for only [bid]" While we appreciate your enthusiasm for working here with us at SEOClerks, we are disallowing most if not all social media bids (and social media services) from new users - that is a user who has either a new account or one with very low overall sales. Also sellers with an extensive history of buyer/admin cancelations are likely to be refused the chance to list bids or services for Soundcloud, Facebook, Twitter and other social media. In short, your bids were deleted during a daily moderation sweep. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you, but are taking this action as a result of numerous complaints against new sellers delivering social media related services.
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