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The alt image attribute is necessary as it tells Google what your image is about. Without this alt tag, Google would not know what your image was about and might take inference about the photo's subject from surrounding text. This tag is also useful for helping a vision impaired person to understand what's being shown in the image. For all it's good points, the image tag can be abused. You should never keyword spam in an image tag, but only use words that are necessary to describe the image. Share your point of view?
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I use an alt tag trick when using platforms like buysellads.com
Instead of using a keyword for my alt tag, I'll use a service description and also add "Click Here" so they know there is a clickable link.
Why do I do this?
I do this because using the third party ad service like buysellads and using correct alt tags won't help you in the search engines at all since the images are actually hosted on their own servers. So by adding, for example, "Top Rankings Guaranteed In Google for $447 - CLICK HERE" instead of "SEO Service" I'll get more click throughs and people will already know what my service is and what it costs ;) Well put :) I use an alt tag trick when using platforms like buysellads.com Instead of using a keyword for my alt tag, I'll use a service description and also add "Click Here" so they know there is a clickable link. [u][size=140][b]Why do I do this?[/b][/size][/u] I do this because using the third party ad service like buysellads and using correct alt tags won't help you in the search engines at all since the images are actually hosted on their own servers. So by adding, for example, "Top Rankings Guaranteed In Google for $297 - CLICK HERE" instead of "SEO Service" I'll get more click throughs and people will already know what my service is and what it costs ;)
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