
How to earn free bumps from Community Discussion

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How to earn free bumps from Community Discussion

You may earn free bumps for posting a high quality Discussion in this section now.

All new Discussions should be:

  • Original content, no copy/paste from other sites
  • Insightful, relevant information
  • Spell-checked with your best grammar
  • Lengthy, at least a few sentences
  • Question, short guide or tutorial

Posting a new Discussion will help the community.

Please share your thoughts.


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Bumps are necessary for exposure, attention and sales but instead of gaining bumps from forum posts you'll get them for approved FAQ's from now on. This will bring quality to Seocheckout in many ways. Decreasing spam in Seocheckout forum is one of the benefits, high-quality content in the FAQ another one. You will not only gain bumps but also build your reputation, trust and prove your credibility the at same time. Squeeze out some good content and help not only Seocheckout to become even greater but also yourself to become an established and trustworthy Seocheckout marketplace user. It truly is a win-win situation!

Kind Regards,

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Your recent Discussion about bumps was really useful for explaining the many ways we can get bumps now, but I wanted to specifically highlight this question as many members are still asking on forum.

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Hey thanks for sharing this as I'm newbie here so it is very helpful to me..And very well explaining with screenshots it is easy to understand.

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oh. thank for your sharing

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Hi Beverly excellent post by you. This post will help to those guys who want to know why free bump off by posting forum thread? You explained very well. Actually we support to your attempt against spammer. A lot of spammer very active on forum intentionally just for getting free bump after posting just silly opinion like hi/hello/thank you etc. And I saw in forum thread according to this issue some are leave opinion this step is not good for such way for promoting business. But for those guys again I would like to say chance yet not close for getting free bump, it has just shifted from forum to FAQ. If you successfully post a FAQ according to Beverly instructions, you will get free bump still and each day.

So why you do not try here or active here?

Thanks by Ajlancer

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Hi Beverly, I totally agree with you. I learned a lot in the FAQ section; there are lots of very useful questions and guides. Previously the forum had lots of spam and I felt like I didn’t get much out of the forum but now I am getting a lot out of the FAQ section and I really enjoying discussing some great questions with other members here. As hitmeasap has said, this is win-win situation, I am getting bumps for my services but also able to discuss great topics. Not only is there useful SEO and webmaster related topics but there are lots of topics about tips for increasing sales and this has really helped me improved my services.

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I agree. Lengthy posts reflects less of spam and more of information. Earlier I too had seen lots of spam on the forum to earn quick free bumps. Let's make the platform healthier with relevant and useful posts.

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We appreciate our members and enjoy the opportunity to speak to them on our new Community Discussion forum.

There are many more forum moderators now, which helps with the spam issue a lot. Always good to have more eyes on the page, keeps the spammers away! How to earn free bumps from Community Discussion

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How to increase bump per every 24 hours. Actually it's really specialty for Seocheckout between other marketplace.

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A new seller here but not new to my experience,i will try to bump my service to see if it works out

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i learnt that the free bumps are only for those that ask questions or post useful tutorials. what about those that comment in the answer/response section just like hoe everyone here is currently doing. Such free bumps should also be extended to them too

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Hey chetaseo,
You are correct. You will receive free bumps for creating your own FAQ. The FAQ's on Seocheckout are slightly different compared to a "regular" FAQ. FAQ stands for Frequently Asked Questions and are supposed to be just that. Listed common questions and answers. On seocheckout, the FAQ's are the same too, with a small twist, as you will be able to submit not only questions but tutorials and guides too. The most important thing, is to encourage to discussions, so everyone can share their experience and knowledge for others to learn from.

That is why I personally believe this is a great option to earn bumps. Meanwhile you contribute you will also be rewarded. If you changed this, so you would receive free bumps for any reply you made, this would ultimately lead to spam, low quality and also people with non-valuable replies. Spam is tiresome, looks bad and isn't something you would want to be associated with, spam just has to go. It's not an option.

All the FAQs would also be smashed with "Thank you" replies and this isn't about the contributors, this is not about making them feel awesome and appreciated by thanking them a million times for each topic they create. This is about contributions and to make people aware of things and to give people a totally free chance to gain knowledge and to learn from experts. Which is also why answers shouldn't be rewarded with free bumps.

Best Regards,

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Well, since the forum was merged into the FAQ section, and the FAQ section was redesigned and recoded, I tend to think that we should stop labeling the Community discussion as the FAQ. It's hard since the FAQ has been around awhile and users are just so use to it. I myself keep mentioning the community discussions as the FAQ too, so it's kinda troubling when you're mentioning the FAQ and new users are unclear what you're talking about.. lol

So I think I will just ignore the /faq/ url and automatically think of it as /discussion or whatever to prevent me from calling it the FAQ. Perhaps the url shall be changed as well.. haha

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I agree with you. Seocheckout Community Discussions were called FAQ, even then this new one arrived, which is one of the reasons people are still calling it the FAQ. However, a more proper word for it would be CD, which stands for Community Discussion, as this is what it is. With that said, it truly is hard to get rid of the "FAQ thing" one has in mind all the time. How to earn free bumps from Community Discussion

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What an awesome feature! So what you are saying is that if sellers help make the FAQ area an awesome place to learn and to discuss interesting and relevant SEO information it will benefit them by earning bumps?

What a great incentive to get these discussion threads pumping.

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Hey Lynne,
Yes, that is correct. If people creates their own high quality Community Discussions topics (FAQs), they will be rewarded with free bumps. However, this is only one out of five different ways to earn free bumps, but users won't only be rewarded with this. They will also help the community to build this outstanding knowledge bank at the same time they build their own reputation and that will ultimately lead to more clients and more sales.

Here's the other ways of gaining free bumps:
Earn one free bump per day for logging in (1 per account and all linked)
Complete an order on time (2 per day)
Generate an affiliate sale for $10 or more (2 per day)
Generate a service sale for $10 or more (2 per day)
Create/ask a new topic/question on the FAQ (2 per day)

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Oh wow, that is cool.

I don't sell anything so it doesn't apply to me, but for sellers this really is awesome. I think adding this new option will be the best one because it will really create authority for a seller and users will notice them more.

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What could apply to a buyer? Mostly all the site perks are targeted primarily for sellers, not buyers. What other actions could buyers be rewarded with? Do buyers feel left out if they necessarily don't need bumps, but decide to be active just incase they decide to sell services?

Could you offer a little bit of insight as you are primarily a seller, and don't have services listed on the marketplace? What would make a seller be active on the community discussions, other than posting for buyer's user level increase? What will make you go above and beyond for your seller title?

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I might be a seller one day I have considered it but I am not sure what I want to sell.

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i think its should be usefull information while we answer the discussion,,because if we merely answer unlogic it will spamming junk in here,
if we create our own discussions topic , do we earn free bump too?
but my main thought is not free bump instead good outstanding knowledge to share, and absolutely attract many clients

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You would earn free bumps only for creating new discussions! You not need outstanding knowledge for it. You can ask various questions or create debate, or support regarding Seocheckout features and services, or suggest new features for Seocheckout marketplace Etc...

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i am glad with this bump features,however other seomicrojobs are to clone this feature bump,but we don't earn from post but from our tweet share that post on facebook,,its quite annoying because it keeps tweet wtihout our knows,
i have one opinion,the opinion is is it same with seolads?iam find Seocheckout are exactly same with seolads,thanks,anyone could give me the answer?

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The way community discussions works is awesome. It has incorporated normal forums and FAQ sections very intelligently. People who use this site can now discuss what is troubling them or what they are unsure about, as well as create a discussion or a tutorial so as to share their SEO knowledge with one another. To improve this even further, whoever contributes to the community discussions can earn a free bump. Obviously this is a great incentive to encourage good posts and questions, and to reduce spamming which is inherent on most other sites. Seocheckout shows its professionality even here. Well done!

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When I was actively selling, bumping a service always helped me earn more sales. And, for awhile, we had the forum bumps going, where you could earn just by posting on the old forum. And, that created a huge spam problem as most of the new replies were just 'thanks' and 'great idea' and spam created for the sole purpose of earning bumps. Since we implemented this new forum, there are no bumps for responses - only for new Discussions created - so there is way less spamming as no incentive to spam. Hopefully others here will embrace the idea of creating new Community Discussions as a way to earn bumps now.

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How many times take Progress bumps add my account ?

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You will need to submit discussions, not responses to earn bumps.

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What's the difference from paid and free bumps?For me it looks same unless this feature of auto bamping for paid bumps.

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A paid bump will automatically rebump your service in 12 hours. It includes 4 hours of highlight.
So there are benefits of paid bumps, it will highly increase your visibility.

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when i m trying to post in discussion thread... why is it go on approval??? is it new feature?

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Are you trying to create a new discussion? If yes, then it has to be approved first by the Administrator of Community Discussion. Wait a while, if your created dissuasion is relevant enough it will be approved.

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I have not seen any recent new discussions posted by DoraSEOWorld, only one back in April. When did you submit your latest discussion?

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May be 2 months ago..
When Seocheckout made some changes to its theme

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Hello, sir it is good discussion for me for earn bumps and our sales are quite good increase by it, thanks for serve this alternative for us

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Good Post. Thanks for sharing with us. If you want to buy email marketing list then you can see our site. You will get update 2016 email marketing email database list from here.

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I stumbled upon the free bump service. I have tried it for a couple weeks have not seen any increase in exposure or sales.
This could mean several things. Too many bumps in the same field that I am in or my service pics and descriptions are not grabbing their attention to order my service. I will investigate.

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