
Can a free traffic exchange make you money?

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Can a free traffic exchange make you money?

As the question states, can a free traffic exchange actually make you some money?

Now I'm talking more from a users stand point and not a the owner of the traffic exchange. Sure if you own the traffic exchange you can make some cash by selling traffic packages when you have enough people using the service from day to day. But that's not an easy field to crack into, I know Can a free traffic exchange make you money?

I'm more talking about from the users stand point and can you profit from using free traffic exchanges by sending the traffic to a sales and/or service page? I've been thinking about this a lot and wonder if some people do this in order to try and make a sale from the random person who is actually looking at the page when surfing, which I assume not many people do if it's automated.

With a manual traffic exchange, you have to be there looking at the page and click "Next" or whatever the call to action button is that moves you along to the next page. I've done this in the past and have been intrigued by some of the websites, but I quickly forgot about the page when I clicked "Next".

I was also thinking about people boosting up their ad impressions for third party websites like and saying they get 500,000 impressions a month and want $550 for an ad spot. Basically, they add their profile to BSA and start scaling up their impressions through free traffic exchanges in order to show they get more people and can charge more per ad. Do you think people do this? It's a shady tactic, but I assume it's difficult to track if done right.




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It might be a little shady, in terms of building up traffic impressions, but I'm sure a lot of webmasters/bloggers do it. Just wondering if there is a way for BSA or other networks (not referring to Adsense) to know if someone is using a free traffic exchange. As for what you asked, I've actually heard of people using those with some success. Possibly if you had an offer that could be reacted on instantly (within the time frame the person was on the page), such as an opt in for free gift or 'like/share for a gift' offer or an offer where the person surfing sites could click to open a new window. In those scenarios, you might really be able to capitalize on that one-off type traffic.

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There are three ways it can make you money:
  1. Selling traffic on marketplaces such as seocheckout, using the traffic exchange to direct traffic to your clients
  2. Using it on your own site to get impressions as Beverly mentions and selling the ads for higher
  3. Using it on your own site to do the same as above but with the intention of selling your site

I don't recommend 2 and 3 but have seen it done.

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I don't think this is a good method. Sending traffic to a sales or service page is absolutely useless. These people are paid to view your website so they won’t buy the product or service. Using this method on websites to boost impressions is not a bad idea and there are probably some ad network that can’t detect these traffic so it could work out. However, it will cost too much money or time to generate a lot of traffic on your website using exchange sites. You normally need to view the ads for 30 seconds but lets assume it is 10 seconds. Assuming for every 1 ad you view, you get 1 in return. To get 1000 impressions, you need to view websites for 10,000 seconds and that is 166 minutes (2.8 hours) just to get 1000 impressions. This method won’t work that well. If you try to do this and then sell it, you will have a bounce rate of nearly 90%. I hope the buyers knows this is fishy.

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I will write that free traffic exchange is only worthwhile for sites that really needs interaction and maybe impressions,this means can be very useful because it still humans that are interacting not not bot but for conversion on a sale page it might be a wasted effort.

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I have never seen people making any form of lead conversion through traffic surf and the PTC. Because those are fake traffic. And mostly owned by the bots. So it can be seriously bad as well. You have to really think about the conversion of the content in that case. You can see that traffic exchange may not be easy in that part. You would have to go for some of the legit options that you can get.

You can make use of the Facebook PPC Ads and the Google adwords. Those can earn some good traffic options for you from the system there as well.

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I never hear a lot of positives about using traffic exchange. So I shy away from them. The main thing that caused me to steer clear was because it was said that Google frowns on it and it might have an adverse impact on Ad Sense. But your last paragraph about what people do with the BuySellAds to boost their impressions and charge more for ad space? I never heard of that! But I'm going to remember it from now on.

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Pardon my ignorance but is that free traffic exchange like a group or community that can give you the traffic that you need? Let’s say one site needed 100 readers so the group will click on the link until they reach 100 reads. And with the term free traffic exchange what I understand is that it is not really a service but a kind of brotherhood.

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