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There is no doubt that keywords are critical for SEO. Therefore it is important that from time to time an analysis of the keywords is carried out so as to see how they are doing, and at the same time find new ones that could replace those that are not doing that well. With such an analysis you would basically be able to see if you are targeting the right keywords or not. Considering this, how often do you think that such keyword analysis should be carried out? Do you carry it out? How do you go about it?
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Doing constant keyword research is something a website owner should always be on top of. If you're starting a new website you should always have keyword research and analysis on your top 5 things to do before launch. Compile a list of highly difficult keywords and a list of low competition keywords. When that is done you should get your content together and give each keyword it's own subpage with keyword optimized content on it. This way your keyword research will help you out much later down the road. I tell people to do this because later on you'll easily rank for your low competition keywords and you'll be crawling up the search results for your difficult ones. Target easy and difficult keywords at the same time and be a happier person in 6 months
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