This service offers an amazing chance to get a well-written ebook by a seasoned journalist/writer
The gig offers as follows:
✓Researched-based and well-informative quality content
✓Simple+Easy to Read+Grammatically free pieces of words
✓100% written manually+paragraphs shaped coherently
✓✓Standard table of content
✓Get Copyrights
✓Perfect layout and format for your eBook
✓Discount on bulk orders
✓Professionally Proofread
Topics covered include:
✓Beauty & Personal Care
✓Fashion & Trends
✓About Kids
✓Healthy habits and perfect lifestyle
✓Parenting ideas
✓Short+Long stories
However, if you have a specific niche, the content will be shaped accordingly.
I appreciate your visit to my service and look forward to working with you
Thank you,
Sadaqat M.