
Marketing On YouTube: How to Do It And Where It Can Take You

Marketing On YouTube: How to Do It And Where It Can Take You

Did you know YouTube has around 2 billion monthly active users and 30 million daily active users? This makes it one of the top social media platforms around. It’s second only to Facebook, which has 2.6 billion monthly active users.

This extremely large audience is ripe for the taking. Many companies are taking advantage of this by employing marketing YouTube strategies as a part of their whole digital marketing strategy.

However, it may be intimidating. Since YouTube is a video-centric platform, marketing and advertising are different here.

Don’t worry, we’ll guide where to start. Keep on reading to know how to do marketing on YouTube and what benefits it can give you.

How to Do a Marketing YouTube Strategy

We can categorize the marketing YouTube strategies into three types below. See how you can start marketing on this platform now.

1. Create a YouTube Channel

This isn’t a must, but it’s great for publishing content, gaining followers, and so on. With a YouTube channel, you can create value-adding videos that will allow you to build relationships with your customers.

First, you have to create a channel with the name of your brand. This makes it easy for your customers to find you.

Then, the videos; find out what types of videos you want to upload. Are you going to make demo videos of your products? Or will you upload event videos, vlogs, interviews, or such?

Whichever type, you have to learn how to create the right title, thumbnail, description, tags, and so on. SEO still comes into play here.

The video itself must be well-made. Use good equipment and pick a good location to shoot. If needed, create a video script, as well.

Here’s a tip: have a content calendar. It will help you manage all your content better.

2. Find YouTube Influencers

Another way you can market on YouTube is through influencers. These are the people with already established channels and following.

The idea is that they advertise your product to their followers. You can, for example, have an ad spot. This is a dedicated part of their video for your brand or product.

You can also have them review your product, demonstrate its use, and explain it in-depth. This route is more effective if you let the reviewer have an honest opinion about it.

At the least, you can have influencers mention your brand or product in passing. This is a way to organically insert your brand into their videos.

Remember to choose the influencer that best fits your brand’s voice, image, and goals. Their audience must match your target audience.

Don’t only look at the follower number when choosing. Micro-influencers can be a good choice, too, as they have a highly-targeted audience.

3. Publish Ads on YouTube

The most straightforward way of marketing on YouTube, though, is through ads. In this type of strategy, you create short ads that the platform will attach to the videos. The content creators have no input at all.

You can have skippable in-stream ads, which play before or during the video. Viewers can skip these after 5 seconds, so if you want them to watch the whole ad, better make that 5 seconds count. You only pay if a viewer has watched it for at least 30 seconds or if they clicked on your ad.

Most people skip ads, so you might want to choose non-skippable in-stream ads instead. The difference is that you pay per impression.

Other ways to advertise on YouTube are via discovery ads, display ads, and in-video overlay ads.

To publish ads on this platform, you have to select your bid strategy, enter your budget, and define your audience. Make sure to target the right audience; the better you know your audience, the higher your ROI.

What YouTube Marketing Can Do for You

Depending on which strategy above you choose, you’ll get the following benefits and more.

1. Google Exposure

Did you know that your videos will also show in Google searches? If videos are relevant to the search, it will have a section dedicated to YouTube videos in the search engine results page (SERP).

This is one of the benefits of publishing video content on YouTube or working with influencers. This is also why you should optimize your videos in a way that will also be relevant to search engines.

Not only do you get to reach YouTube users, but you can find new customers through Google’s SERP, as well.

2. Brand Authority

Publishing high-quality content gives you an authority on the subject. Content like tips and strategies gives you an aura of expertise.

As such, people are more likely to trust you in a way ads can’t. As long as you provide value to your customers, you can build your credibility through YouTube videos.

Trust then leads to brand loyalty. Even if they aren’t a customer yet, they eventually will. You’ll have repeat customers, and they’re more likely to recommend your brand.

You build a genuine connection with your audience, which leads to more sales.

3. More Engaged Audience

Videos are the most engaging type of content and that’s because humans are visual creatures. We take in information better when presented in visual form. People tend to remember 95% of the message they watched and only 10% of the message they read.

It’s no wonder videos are also the most popular type of content on other social media platforms.

On YouTube, you have a more engaged audience. You can then engage with them further through the comment section. They can leave comments and feedback, which makes them feel heard.

This is also a good way to build trust and connection.

Take YouTube Marketing to the Next Level

No matter how you want to go on about your marketing YouTube strategy, the most important thing is that you do it right. Only then will you see the benefits it can give your company.

The good news is you don’t have to look far and low for support. We’re here to help! Check us out today and learn how it works right here!

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