
Service Customization Made Easy

Service Customization Made Easy

How do you make your services stand out from all the thousands of service on the marketplace? We would like to introduce you to custom fields, the solution to making your service stand out from the crowd.

Why we think you will love custom fields!

Custom fields will allow buyers the ability to find services that fit their needs. By adding a custom field you can add information about your service along with adding visual appeal. Custom fields can be used to tell buyers what's great about your service.

How to create a custom field?

To create a custom field, go to create or edit service and click the content tab. Once here, go down to the "personalize it" section. There you can add an icon, field title, and your description. Once you're done, save your service and display it to the world!

Go make a service today and try it out. We hope you like this feature, and that it really helps your service stand out from the crowed!

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