When you list and sell services on SEOCheckOut, we charge selling fees. The fee is 10% of the total amount of sale.
More info about service fees:
Fees are automatically calculated once a sellers gets an order. Once an order is made, 10% of that order will be invoiced as a fee for that order to the seller. If the seller has a remaining balance, the invoice will automatically be paid using it.
We want to be transparent with our sellers and let you know about all the fees we charge you. We make this marketplace possible by charging a 10% fee, while giving our sellers the most amount of money in thier pockets possible. We try and make SEOCheckOut the most affordable marketplace on the web, while also trying to make our sellers happy.
When you set a custom affiliate amount on your service anything over the default 5%, the amount extra will be taking out of your service. (IE: If you offer 50% custom affiliate amount, you'll get 45% of the order)
Any direct payment (direct to the seller) is a 5% affiliate pay (or 11/12% for level 4+). This is 50% of what SEOCheckOut makes, which is now 10% rather than 20%. The ratio has remained the same (1/2), but the amount SEOCheckOut collects is reduced.