What is Keyword Research??????
Keyword Research is part of SEO that helps your websites rank faster.
Keyword Research ignored by most of the people because very few people are aware of the power of Keyword Research.
Do you Find doing Keyword Research very time taking and irritating?
Do not worry I am here to assist you.
Here is a list of information that I will Be giving You in My Advance Keyword
1.keyword difficulty- It shows that how much certain Keyword is difficult to rank.
2. Search Volume- This data shows the how many people are searching for that certain keywords.
3.Cost per Click-CPC shows estimated Cost Per Click value of a given keyword.
sample of information....
4.click-clicks reflects the total number of clicks on the search results that people perform per month while searching for that keyword. Some searches result in clicks on multiple results, while others might not result in any clicks at all
5.Click per Search-Clicks Per Search (or CPS) shows how many different search results in people click on average after performing a search for this keyword.
6.Return Rate- It shows how many same people are returning or coming back to look your website again.
# I will provide you 50 fully Researched Keywords.