
Record any voice over, today I am a professional voice over actor and I would love to record whateve for $30

Level 1
Attention: The owner of this service has not logged into Seocheckout for more than 30 days. It is highly recommend that you contact them before ordering this service. Last Login: 1398 days ago

Record any voice over, today I am a professional voice over actor and I would love to record whateve

Record any voice over, todayI am a professional voice over actor andI would love to record whatever you need me to.
75 words, for $15!American, British, Canada or Australia! And Others

I will deliver anyvoiceover within 48 hours of your order.
+$15 for 24 hourdelivery. ONE DAY DELIVERY!

mp3 delivery unlesswav gig-extra purchased

NEW CLIENT PROMO:First time clients - add an additional 25 words to their voiceover, free!
Mention this deal!

LISTS OF WORDSricing is $15 per 50 words.

I will try to fixany grammatical errors in your voice over FOR FREE

Use my voice foryour Voicemail, TV or Radio Commercial, Narration,
Explainer/Animation/Cartoon/Whiteboard/YouTube Video, Tutorial, DJ Drop,
Audiobook, Advertisement, etc

*There might be ashort delay on US holidays/weekends

I offer my servicesPRO BONO for any urgent emergency or natural disaster situations. Message me
for details


Voice Voiceover Voicemail American


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Quick 1 day delivery
If the seller fails to deliver the service in the specified time, the order will automatically cancel returning your funds.

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$30 - In stock