Niche Targeted USA Authentic Web Traffic
#Traffic from redirects and popunders of websites related to your niche.
#Free niche targeting, geo targeting and device targeting include. provides niche targeted.
#All traffic is 100% human traffic.
#SEO safe & SEO complementary service.
#Long time visit duration.Visit 40- 120 sec.
#400 hits for every website traffic.
#I will continuously monitering hits.
#I will also promoting sites to social media.
#100% Real visitors with unique IPs.
#Category Targeted traffic (real interested visitors, niches that fits the visitors interest).
#Direct traffic which is 100% Adsense safe.
#Target any 1, 2 or 5 Keywords depending on the Package you choose.
I will give you my work through attachment files like Excell,Zip folder,Google spreadset or documents,CSV etc.