Keyword Targeted Traffic with LONG VISIT DURATION and LOW BOUNCE RATE(±35%).
Worldwide English-speaking visitors, mostly from USA and EUROPE
60% mobile visitors
Fully trackable in Google Analytics and completely safe to use with Google AdSense.Guaranteed to improve Search Engine Ranking Position (SEO) and Alexa Ranking.
I accept ONLY 1x URL and 5x KEYWORD per order.
You may pick 1x SEARCH ENGINE per order: Google, Yahoo , Bing or any u want !.
1x service ($105) = 20.000 ± VISITORS PER DAY for 30 DAYS . more than 600.000 VISITORS PER MONTH
also mobile traffic more than 60%
***Try extra services for more options!
People who want to use this must to understand what is means Rank Keywords Search!
For example if someone search in google one keyword , and u want to link that keyword with your website must to verify before if its already linked by your competitors and what chance u have to ranked yourself also with your website! For that u can use one software like Traffic Travis , demo version and u can see what keywords its more easy to ranked and linked with your website!Always i recommend to use Long Tail Keywords!
Need more , try extra option or ask about custom offer.
Be carefull ... we have the power to growing your website BUT WE CAN DOWN your website.Ask before to order please !