Backpage Leads Report - Country-wide Search For Your Term
You could pay someone by the hour to manually click each state/city to search your term and maybe in a week they would get through them all, and you are out $600 ($25/hr x 40 hours) OR you could buy this Seocheckout SERVICE!
For $25 I will complete 1 country-wide search for you of your specific term and send you a spreadsheet of the results.
This service is great if you are seeking clients using terms such as "we need a website" or if you want to find someone selling a specific item like "toyota camry 2007". Or maybe you want that perfect job then maybe you want me to search the country for something like "Seeking IT Professional".
Here is how this works:
1) You select your keyword or phrase
2) You select which country you want searched
3) You select the category (gigs, for sale, jobs, housing, etc)
4) You select the date range
5) I setup the search and pull down the results
6) I store to a spreadsheet and send back to you as a sorted table
Your report will show you everything ad related including the URL for each ad. The ad itself is not included due to cell restrictions.
NOTE: If your report does not yield any results, you will either receive a refund or can select another search term.
Great ADD-ONS : Look at my EXTRAS!