I will develop a professional telegram bot for you
Telegram Bot Development
Lets make your life easier with the help of a smart bot in your smart phone 
If you have an idea, but aren't sure how to word it or if it is even possible to accomplish, worry not and leave me a message - I promise you we WILL find a way.
Each package includes free hosting for a month.
I will demonstrate full functionality as proof of professional work
Ready solutions (might require slight adaptations, but 90% done):
- Crypto coin tracker with realtime market information
- All crypto transactions waterfall bot
- Shop with inline products menu and in-app payment, cutting edge, majorly underestimated marketing platform
- Greeting message/captcha, restricted words, karma system for your telegram groupchat
Things I am personally interested in doing and will do with a discount:
- Text-to-speech, image recognition AI
- Anything realted to Geo-coding, lets make a Pokemon Go, I don't mind
- Any interesting and unusual project