hello, i need this done in the next 12 hours, please don`t accept if you don`t think that you will finish in this time.
The name I want to use is Mogioo (Online Meditations Gimnaziu Ionașcu).
I would like something SIMPLE, but with effect.
The problem I pointed out with this name is the letter "i", which I want to stand out somehow, because it refers to my last name. Regarding the chosen name: I did a survey... the children liked it a lot, the adults less, because they thought it didn't say anything related to the subject of the work (meditations, school, book, notebook, etc.). Maybe here you can somehow help me with the drawing, although I don't want many "toys" on it. I want it very simple. As for the colors - again I go for simplicity: one-two maximum (the third can also work as a spot of color).
I'm also sending you some logs I made just for fun. It didn't turn out what I want.
I'm not an expert in this sort of thing, so I hope I made myself understood.
I would be very pleased to have you make something as your inspiration dictates. SIMPLICITY; MINIMALISM...Thank you!
-3 logo variations as vector files
-3 source files