
I will create a captivating and humorous storyboard up to six frames for your brand for $145

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I will create a captivating and humorous storyboard up to six frames for your brand

Welcome to our storyboard with humour gig.

Why a storyboard?
Whether you want to illustrate your brand, product, or service in action, whether you want to highlight your customers pain point before presenting your solution, dialogue storyboards with humour are a powerful way of lowering the resistance of your audience, and drawing them in to your brand or product educational story.

Why us?
We don't focus on drawing characters (that's great for the kids), we already have a catalogue of nearly a hundred characters -you can check them out in our PDF, as well as our different layout options here
Instead, we focus on finding and teasing out the humour in any story, and displaying it through the imagery and dialogue of your storyboard - that's what draws the adults in

Our process

  • Gather your brief and asset choices through our interactive selector assistant
  • Analyse your brief and start chunking your story
  • Put the parts into your storyboard and test the flow
  • With a visual overview, we tease out the natural humour in your story (like adding the one-liners to a bond movie
  • With a storyboard we are happy meets our high standards, we submit to you for feedback, revisions, or approval
  • Any revision are made and final files are delivered

We are available and standing by for your order. Thank you.

What's included

High ResolutionSocial MediaCommerical Usage


storyboards frames brand educational comic presentations


0 reviews

Rating breakdown

add an extra frame 1 days $15
add two extra frames 1 days $30
add three extra frames 1 days $45

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$145 - In stock