
design an elegant feminine signature logo for $30

100% (41)

design an elegant feminine signature logo

Welcome to my elegant feminine signature logo gig!

Need a Name/Personal Branding Signature logo?
You are at the Right place

Signature logo is the great way to represent you or your name/business in an elegant style.
You can use it as your signature brand in pictures, business cards, Social media, letters, websites, as a watermark etc.What you get:

  • Signature logo
  • Signature in High Resolution and in any color and format you need
  • You will receive high quality Signature Logo in .JPG, .PNG(Transparent) format .eps, .ai,.psd,pdf etc
  • Unlimited revisions and Complete satisfaction.

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions
Thank you

What's included

High ResolutionSource FileUnlimited RevisionsCommerical Usage


HANDWRITTEN SIGNATURE feminine LOGO CALIIGRAPHY FASHION sign signlogo name logodesign


2 reviews

Rating breakdown

  • 2
  • 0

4 years ago
I canot open the zip file
Ok,  I will send you separate (unzip) file.
actually you are the great buyer.
4 years ago
Hi Saif,

I've sended you a message with my opinion on 28th October 7.43 pm.
You told me to give you time...
If you cant do the same font, you have to tell me my friend,
I've sended you the precise font I want, the same picture a couple of times.
Like i said, if It's not possible, then we leave it with this.

My regards,


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design an elegant feminine signature logo for $30 is ranked 5 out of 5. Based on 2 user reviews.
$30 - In stock