hello, i am a logo maker and i have got excellent skills and tricks in photoshop editing. i have been doing graphic designing for five years.
the software i use are
adobe illustrator , adobe in design, adobe photoshop and corel draw.
i design all the type of logos and manipulation for different sectors
Please direct message to get a personal quote for your works.
High end retouching is the photo editing process to enhance, enforce and elevate your images. Whether through texture or colour, my high end retouching will provide the perfect techniques to ensure image and branding satisfaction.
Using colour correction methods in Capture One and Adobe Photoshop your images will receive the best attention to detail they deserve. All colours and materials will look as precise as possible to you or your customer’s vision. I can elevate all brand imagery to the next level. My vast range of commercial experience in photography will ensure your products stand out above the rest. You can rest assured that your images will get the best care possible.