I own a small niche forum with 1000 members and I am offering to put your adult website link in my admin account signature for the highest authority.
Since this is a new service if you get in early you will have the benefit of being among the first links seen in the new adult category there. The site gets daily signups from new members and traffic is mostly from guests, with up to usually 40-50 people online at any one time (505 was the highest).
Unlike sig links in other forums, this one CAN be seen by guests, so EVERYONE who visits the forum can see your link!
See extras for more options! The header banner is for extra exposure and remains as long as your sig link, so if you purchase 3 months of sig, then you get 3 months of banner as well with that extra! The homepage link extra is added as a forum topic so that when a visitor clicks the title they are then redirected to YOUR website!